Thank you for all for your comments everyone.
Halostalker: I'm gonna stock w/ usual cleaner crew I'm thinkig cleaner shrimp, 1 or 2 emerald crab(s), don't know how many snails and what kind
hoping you or anyone can help me on that. As far as fish go I was thinking Flame angel, False perc (only cuz my nephew loves findin nemo), Fire fish or royal gramma don't know which one yet, and very iffy on this one only cuz I've heard mixed results on this board...Valentini puffer. Corals I want a bunch but one in particular...Armor of God...I love the way it looks. Any comments or suggestions would be great
kat74: It was your tank that inspired me to even do this, I've been researching tanks now for 5 years no joke, but I never had the money to do it til now. I love the red sea max great tank so far and I know it won a bunch or awards in Europe, and the stand for it is really durable and I think it looks stylish as far as stands go.