Kole/Golden Eye Tang WON'T EAT


I have had it for about 2-3 weeks now. I have tried formula 2, veggie flake food, nori seeweed selects (green), and blanched romaine lettuce. I also feed brine, mysid, and blood worms to the other fish in the tank. The fish is about 4-5 inches long and nothing is pestering it.
It has only been grazing in the tank up until now. Also it is picking at the sand a bit and actually consuming the sand as I have see it expell it during the day (can't be good on the digestive system). I believe it's color may be starting to fade so I really want to get it feeding. It arrived really fat but is not looking emancipated quite yet but will in another couple of weeks.
Please help


New Member
I wish I could help. I had a similiar experience. I had one for about 10 months and it ate about every food I put in the tank. It was fat, nice colors and very active. In December I woke up to find my tank had a leak, so everything got transferred to a larger tank. Shortly after this time it stopped eating and it's color faded and eventually died over about 3 weeks. I don't know if it was due to stress(everything else is still alive), or if it suffered some kind of injury when it was moved. I did notice a couple of marks on it's side after the move but they healed in about a week. I have also read that the mouth is very sensitive, and if injured they are doomed. I know this isn't what you want to hear but I say keep the greens and other foods in there and I wish you the best of luck, I hope he pulls through.


I had a yellow tang do same thing i put broccoli in tank on clip and he started eating it and started doing better.Sound funny but it worked and he eats broccoli to this day.

richard rendos

Active Member
My yellow eye eats offered foods, but prefers to just pick at the rocks and sand. I wouldn't worry, they are grazers by nature. If he is still swimming around and being active, he is probably just getting used to his new surroundings.


any chance you can get live brine? if you could then when you feed slowly mix some prepared foods in with it. also when you tried nori and seaweed selects are you putting it in the same place everytime. maby using a rubberband or alge clip they learn that as a feeding area.


Ok I'll try hatching some brine and feeding that. My only concern is that my copperband butterfly and fang blenny will eat it before the tang can get to it. When ever I open the top the tang goes and hides in a cave. It also does the same thing at night as well so I am not sure if there will be any left. It is getting better at comming back out as soon as i back off.
It is worth a try though.