Kole Tang Diet?


I just got a kole tang this past weekend and he is great except I am concerned about his diet. I've only tried to feed flakes once and he didn't go for that. I've tried the Seaweed Selects "Green Marine Algae" and it was gone the next morning, but I never saw him eat it. I've seen one of my chromis nipping at it. The kole has swam past it about a hundred times. I read that they don't really like that stuff and to feed him dried seaweed? If I can get that at a grocery store, where would it be? I am going to try some frozen food tomorrow to see if he will eat that. It is difficult to tell if he is eating or not because he swims around a lot, but is usually around the sides or back. He definately picks at the live rock a lot.
He is really a great fish and one of the best colored ones I've seen. But, I get really nervous and worried when he doesn't eat. I have two clowns and two chromis that don't let much food sink down.
Please share any experience you have had with kole tangs. I can't stand it when a fish won't eat.


Mine eats everything!! I think Kole Tangs in general will eat about anything. I think algae sheets and dried seaweed are the same thing. I give mine about a 2x2 square of the green seaweed select every other day. He eats it all immediately. I feed the tank flake and frozen and he eats everything that I put in.


New Member
I feed my Kole tang flake, which he picks at for a while in the morning. At night I feed him frozen Spirulina enriched brine shrimp. He goes crazy on that. He also picks algae from glass. He is an active eater and swims to the top of the tank whenever I come near it.


Active Member
Give it some time to adjust and if its picking at the LR then thats good. Hopefully theres some algea on it. Mine eats the seaweed sheets and frozen foods and just about anything. You can not clean your glass for a while and let the algea build up a bit if you think the Kole is getting too skinny. It will pick at the glass too. Koles are such cool fish, Congrats on getting one.