Kole Tang... hum?


HEY!!!... I came across a 5 Inch Kole Tang in perfect health for 29.99 today and I HAD to grab it up quick! so I did... and I acclimated it for an hour.. using the acclimation procedure on this site... the tang seemed ALOT less stressed using this procedure!!! I use to acclimate fish by just putting some aquarium water in the bag waiting 15 mins and then dumping then.... and they always seemed a little stress... and kinda just out of it for a while... when I introduced this kole tang he/she just jumped on in without any hesitation to find a nice spot to rest from the drive home... and isnt stressing at ALL... I added this tang with 3 yellow tangs, 2 yellow tales and a False Perc clown... I KNOW 3 yellows is bad... but they are 1/2 the size as the kole... plus they dont seem to be wanting a peice of him! LOL
I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this procedure when adding fish!!! we will seem how the kole does tomorow... does anyone have a kole and any advise for me regarding diet/behavior/ etc/.....
thanks alot!!!


Theyre constant feeders, which means constant doodoo:D, i had one and didnt like the mess..so just make sure you got good flow all around.
itll do a good job in cleaning your glass too..
btw the 3 yellow tangs arent conflicting with eachother?

mpls man

Active Member
I think the kole tang might run out of swimming room , from what i herd they need bigger then a 75 gal for a lot of room to swim, might be worth checking into unless you already did, just a thought.


Active Member

Originally posted by Mila
A 75 g tank is not large enough for 4 tangs, especially Kole. Just my opinion.

A kole is fine in a 75 it is actually the only species that will do well long term in that size tank. I do however question the 3 yellows, they will not fair well long term.


If I'm not mistaken, koles and mimics are the smallest of the tang family and won't get much bigger than 5in. in captivity. I'm actually thinking of getting one for my tank's algae problems myself. Goodluck to you and your tank.


Welll I gots lots of feedback on this! ok.. lets see :)
JDM_AE86 > No the yellows are fine, keep in mind EVERYONE these tangs are babys... only 1 1/2 inch to 2 inches from tip of their snouts to the tip of their tails!
MPLS MAN > Yes I realllyyy want a bigger aquarium, however $$ is not there to get a big size right now.. so yeah, it is something to look into! and THATS ABOUT IT! lol
Mila > baby tangs remember... babies.. hehe, and yeah, ive seen alot more tangs than that in aquariums with NO problems, besides the constant poo... but good filtration will take care of that!!! .. and a few waterchanges! LOL
GreatfullReefer > Yeah Ive noticed on INFO pages and books they only get 5 inches in captivity.. in the wild 7! soooo... I agree with you on that!
reefrobber > yep, Ive heard that too.. and so far the anwser is yes
oh and thanks! hehe
I do have another question... is it normal for these fish to kinda float and flutter like a butterfly around the aquarium?
this one is picking at liverock and glass so... just wondering if its normal for them to flutter around the aquarium.!

jimmy g

I had a Kole tang once...Not in my 29 of cource but in my 75 and it was constantly crapping and what not.
Kole tangs are not a open water swimmer so yes they can do better in smaller tanks than most other tangs.


YES!! this one is constantly picking at the rockwork.... as far as it pooping all the time. I havent noticed... and what did you feed yours? Im having trouble feeding it... I havent seen it eat any Seaweed selects or Spir. Flakes... any ideas? At the LFS there is a bunch of MacroAlgea I can get ... will that help?

jimmy g

Its ok if its not really eating for now, its getting all of its nutrition from the algea growing on the LR....You may want to keep trying to clip some seeweed in the tank and keep it there 24/7.


I just bought my kole tang, a bit more expensive than yours, but well worth it, it's about full growth at around 4-4 1/2in. and looks awesome. I just put it in after an hour of acclimation and it's already eating algae!!! I also bought an elegance coral which is in awesome shape, and a rose anenome which is doin just as well. Goodluck with feeding yours. Use Jimmy G's advice.


Well.. Im still seeing it eat off the liverock... there isnt much visible algae on it... actually I dont see ANY! so Im off to the LFS to get some MacroAlgeas to see if this will help... if not the yellows and damsels will allways eat it LOL!!
I will tell you if it eat some of this!


well.. I bought some Calupera (green) and some type of red macro for the tangs... the yellows are munching away!!! but the Kole is still intent on eatting micro on the rocks and I yet to see it even nip at the food I put in the tank!!! I hope she starts eatting soon... if not Im going to be in trouble... any ideas how I can help this matter or is it just a matter of time before she decides to eat some Nori or Macro?