Kole Tang Info And Experiences Needed......


Active Member
Im really considering getting a kole tang in about a month or so wanted to find out what your experiences are with them?I have a 75 Gallon Tank.Any info on them would help greatly also
There one of my favorite tangs. They tend to be a little shy but aggressive feeders. Mine will pick at the back of my tank where a little algae grows and really enjoys sheet seaweed. I guess the only bad thing of mine is that he tends to hide behind the rocks when anyone approaches the tank, not for very long. as for aggression toward other fish , mine has never shown any, he is the biggest fish in the tank and he never messes with anything else. Mine would take a nips at my colt coral when i first got him , but not anymore.
Great tangs and they look beautiful. They will eat algae for hours. Mine picked at live rock and ate algae off of everything! These are one of my favorite tangs because of there beautiful colors. Mine really wasnt that shy but they love algae,romane lettuce,and a lot of diffrent frozen foods(pro green). I feed all diffrent types to him.
I have another point of view.. as someone said here.. Mine was a very aggresive fish.. he stressed my fish out.. I HATED HIM.. I chased his BUTT OUT of my tank and returned HIM! I dont think they are the most attractive either, but that si JUST my opinion...
Sorry, Kim :(


Active Member
koles yellow eyed tang??
what was he in with??
it is possible, I guess, if it were in a small tank, or had a reason to be aggressive, like the other tank mates. just curious.


I am going to go with everyone else on this one. Mine keeps my glass and rocks nice and clean. They just pic at them for hours on end!


Active Member
thanks cboy I'm going to wait about a month to let me 75 stablize a bit but then im getting one thanks everyone