Sorry I didnt give more Information... My water quality is GREAT... no detectable Nitrates and very LOW phosphates. all the other perimeters are 0! .... As far as the Yellows go, yes that did cross my mind... I thought OH NO, what if the tangs kick his butt.. but the yellows are staying far away from the Kole... the Kole is about 2 1/2 times their size so.... I dont think that is the problem... what I did think is the problem is the PH.. its a little low... about 7.5 or so... maybe a little higher... so I was worried about that.. another thing I was worried about is the fact that the Kole is WILD CAUGHT and is so use to eatting normal Micro on rocks that it hasnt figured out what Im putting in there is or doesnt even have a taste for it... so far the Kole is only picking at the choped up Nori... and is eatting very little... I am going to add some Garlic something.. from SeaChem to help with her appetite... do you think this is a good idea?...
2 small damsels.. a small clown, 3 yellows and a kole is too much fish for a 75 gallon?
hum, I wouldn think so because the damsels and the clown as so small and produce so little Bio-Waste.. but even then that is 4 good sized fish... well just glad my protien skimmer is pumping out protien by the LBS! LOL
thanks for the help... what do you think about that idea>?