Kole Tang


Active Member
I'm considering using a kole tang in my aggressive tank for algea control. Has anyone tried this with success?
He'd be going in a 125 as the first fish after cycling. I have plenty of live macro algea for feeding until new stuff grows in the tank. Figured I go with a 3"+ fish. Joining him eventually will be a volitans, picasso, lunare wrasse, niger, vallentini and maybe a foxface.
Any thoughts or advice?
My kole , a skittish guy , if my sleeper or banded goby makes a sudden move he bolts for cover. All the fish would be fine in with him (if they are all as ckicken as mine :p) The wrasse is a very fast and at times a very aggressive fish, a lunare might pick at a skittish kole tang. JMO But they are great at taking care of algae!

mr hanky

imo dont use a kole in your agg. i had my kole in with my aggr. and he got ick 3 diff times. now hes in my reef!!! it can be done but it will be hard to keep it clean enough to not cause ick.ie. stress,nutrients,etc. water quality is big with any tangs. personally the sailfin (desjardenes sp? "red sea")or sohal or orange shoulder would probably be better,or even a clown tang.hth. mr hanky


Active Member
Thanks all for your comments. So experience says that a sailfin will be less stressed in this environment than a kole?
Any thoughts on the foxface for help with algea control over a tang?


Active Member
sohal or orange shoulder would probably be better,or even a clown tang.hth. mr hanky
All those tangs, except for possibly the sohal are much more ick prone than a kole. Bo