Koralia 3 - cold blooded murder


Active Member
ah cool, nice setup. yeah may as well get another guy. I would think that a 65 is big enough to have unpaired clowns. Get one thats either smaller or bigger than your current one of the same species, and maybe they'll pair on their own :)


Originally Posted by SocalNano24
ah cool, nice setup. yeah may as well get another guy. I would think that a 65 is big enough to have unpaired clowns. Get one thats either smaller or bigger than your current one of the same species, and maybe they'll pair on their own :)
Do you think it would be better if I tried to give the LFS back the solo and get a pair? I'm not sure they'd go for that but I could give it a try...


Active Member
hmmm..... I'm not a clown expert, even though I've always had a clown for the last six months.
I just recently bought two non paired true percs, one being 30% smaller than the other, and they started exhibiting pairing behavior within a few weeks.
You could rearrange your rock significantly before adding another guy.
Especially since iwth a 65 tank, they could always have thier own turf
Paired CLOWNS are f*ing expensive. like 80 bucks. Compared to the 10-30 range for a single non paired.
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
so what'd you do?
Nothing special just got one that was prolly more than a half an inch smaller than my original clown. Acclimated and put him in. There was a very small amount of bickering from the bigger one prolly to let the new one know who is boss. It was nothing serious and in a couple days they were together constantly. They are clearly a pair now.


Originally Posted by reefaholic33
Nothing special just got one that was prolly more than a half an inch smaller than my original clown. Acclimated and put him in. There was a very small amount of bickering from the bigger one prolly to let the new one know who is boss. It was nothing serious and in a couple days they were together constantly. They are clearly a pair now.
Same here with my Clarkiis...they paired up within a day too. I went out and bought the smallest one at the LFS.
Just make sure you don't get one that's same size!


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
My anemone wanders about once a month and half the time gets stuck in the intake for my nano or gets a haircut on the koralia. Its never died though and always comes back healthy, and last time it split into two anemones! (consequence of having a small tank)

This is not the consequence of a small tank, but of not having the power heads covered. My ATA also survived 3Xs getting sucked up, it was like trying to commit sushi on purpose...I covered them, then when I moved, two years later, I used a small power head to keep the water circulated...he didn't survive the last attempt.


Sorry to hijack your thread slightly ... but I was wonderng in regards to trying to pair clowns as well.
I have a Ocellaris Clown who is about an inch and a half, hes nearly doubled in size since he was put in the tank.
I would love to get another one, but I have a couple of questions:
With one this size is it best to get a smaller one or a bigger one?
And ... we have a Maroon Clown as well ... he can be a bit mean to a couple of the bigger fish we have in the tank, but he doesnt bother the little guy at all. The Maroon was in there at the time the Ocellaris was added and he survives.
And we have a Fuzzy Dwarf Lion who is 3-4 inches, so hes still small, he is eating live guppies at the moment, so cant get too small of a fish or he might mistake the two!
Any suggestions? Good Idea or Bad Idea?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

This is not the consequence of a small tank, but of not having the power heads covered. My ATA also survived 3Xs getting sucked up, it was like trying to commit sushi on purpose...I covered them, then when I moved, two years later, I used a small power head to keep the water circulated...he didn't survive the last attempt.
Ok, I'll have to try to get a thin vinyl filter sock or bag with some thread maybe, and tie it on I suppose.
Recently he has found a place and stuck to it again (the last time he moved was when I rearrange rock work, of course).
I now have a 5" GBTA and a 2" GBTA, the lil one is growing fast! Anybody in socal interested in a trade for some zoas? (dunno how well an aneom would ship out of state) I can't have two anemones once he gets bigger.


Active Member
If the clown is already large, you'll need to get a smaller one, typically the larger of the pair will become the female, so this would provide for the best oppurtunity for that.
I would think that an inch long clown would be big enough to not be confused for a guppy?


I'd be more afraid of the lion eating the clowns when he gets a little bigger? I don't know much about lions, but have heard that they eat anything smaller than them.


Ok will look at a smaller one if we do go to buy one, our lfs has a smallis one but its about the same size as ours, so will wait for another to come in.
Now with the lion, i would think that if we got another addition that is small while the lion himself is very small, he would get used to it being in the tank and wouldnt attempt to eat it as when he gets a bit bigger he wont class it as food?? He knows that the 'green net' that gets put in the tank every morning is where is food comes from as well so that should help, and looking at getting him off live food as well in the near future