koralia or modded maxi jet?

hey guys, ive been thinking about picking up the flow in my 125g. i have 2 maxijet 1200s that are not in use that ive been thinking about modding. but the good mod kits with the magnet base is just as much as a koralia 4. so with that said, which do you guys prefer?


Active Member
Personally I like the koralias. I went with the sureflows at first, but they don't really look as asthetically pleasing as the koralias and stick out much further too once you add the magnet. FOr the price of the magent and mod yo can get the koralia or pretty close and look better. Now the sureflows are in the closet and I have bought 6 koralias since. Still prefer the koralins. And they seem to disperse the flow much better.


Like Flr said they disperse the flow better but the Maxi with Mod Pushes more direct. Also the magnets on the Kora's suck butt. Maxis kit much better. Id go with the Maxis if I was to buy more and for you Id go with the maxi's. YOu can also use the pulse switches with the maxi's cant with the Kora's. Go Maxi


Active Member
I personally, use the koralias. I think the magnets are awesome, the flow, for the watts used is amazing. I have two number 3's in my 65 gallon


I've never had an issue with the koralia's magnets. I've even used them temporarily on the big 110g rubbermaid sumps with no problems.
I also like the wide flow patern that the koralias give. The only downside that I have found is that they do click pretty loud if you are using them on a wavemaker.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
for pure power Modded MJ.After you bounce flow off glass it really dosent matter anymore what the flow pattern comming out of the power head is.Ive also found the the magnet isnt necessary to use with the MJ ,just use the slide rail that comes with the it.
BTW IMO PH are ugly in general,so one is just a little uglier than the other.
Performance or vanity,what are you looking for?If its performance MJs


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
for pure power Modded MJ.After you bounce flow off glass it really dosent matter anymore what the flow pattern comming out of the power head is.Ive also found the the magnet isnt necessary to use with the MJ ,just use the slide rail that comes with the it.
BTW IMO PH are ugly in general,so one is just a little uglier than the other.
Performance or vanity,what are you looking for?If its performance MJs
I was on the fence as well, not anymore modded MJs 1200s for me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flricordia
but they don't really look as asthetically pleasing as the koralias and stick out much further too once you add the magnet.
I just dont see how you figure this.
you can see by this pic of a koralia 4 that you could put the shroud that goes on a modded maxijet INSIDE a Koralia 4 propeller shroud. the circumfrence of a Koralia 4 is at least 1.5" larger than the shroud of a modded maxijet and I thought it looked the size of a softball in person just yesterday in a large display at the LFS.

this pic isn't oriented for a direct comparison but oriented as it would be used the maxijet mod with the sure grip magnet holder sticks out the exact same amount as the koralia 4 BUT the Koralia is simply bigger at every point. the motor section of both are a wash as far as size goes (see pic above and compare overall size) but the propeller half of the koralia compared to the shrouded propeller half of the maxijet there is no comparison, the koralia is MUCH bigger. I measured my maxijet mod with sure grip magnet holder glass to end of shroud and it came out to the exact same length as a koralia 4 so I'm not sure I agree it sticks out more in the tank

anyway I chose the maxijet because I found it to be LESS intrusive than a koralia 4 and with a smaller Koralia I would have had to use more than one which I didn't want to. I use the sure grip 1600 with small propeller and maxijet 400. It uses 5 watts and it more than enough in my 3ft 30g (rated at 1400gph which is more than a K4). there is no dead spot but it is a little strong dead center which is where the koralia probably fairs better.

nano reefer

Active Member
get one of those powerheads made by eco-tech. they have no wire inside the tank, and are magnetically powered. so cool.