Koran Angelfish


I've been looking into the Koran for quite some time now and I've heard a whole bunch of different reports. I'd rather hear from people who've had both good and bad experiences with this angel b4 i purchase it. Anything at all would be helpful (behavior, diet, etc.). Thanx!


New Member
Well i have been in the hobby for around 4 years now and i have had the koran angel fish for around 3 and 1/2 years..i brought it when it was around 3 inches long and over the years it has become around 8 inches long..they are very elegant fish!
i have been feeding my koran angel different types of foods which include seaweed selects and frozen food eg,bloodworm and brine shrimp and also some marine flake!
it has finally started to change from the juvenile black and white colour to the very outstanding green colour!
it is living in my tank with a yellow tang a clarkii clown a cleaner wrass and a coral beauty. they are all getting on well together.
i hope this helps cheers!


The korans are one of the hardier angels. I have one now that is about 3" long and it has been doing quite well; going through ick outbreaks and all. I feed mine a variety of foods and his friends are my sailfin tang and volitan lion. Great looking fish.


Where did you get your Koran? They are cool fish. I have a gray angel and it is by far my favorite fish. Aquarium Concepts in Seattle is suppose to be getting a shipment of juvenile Queen angels tomorrow. Yeah, I know, don't mix angels but it can be done in big tanks (like mine) and if you vary size and family. Its too bad you can't keep more together. I would love to keep an Asfur, Queen, Blue, Koran, etc all together in the same tank!