Koran with PoP EyE..in QT with Tang?


So i purchased a Koran Angel and a Kole Tang together about one week ago, both are in QT. Just noticed a day ago that the Koran has a cloudy/pop eye only on the left side. I did a water change, and have read here on the forums to medicate. My question is can I medicate the QT tank with the Tang still in there (he seems fine). Both are eating just fine and swimming just fine. My only hesitation is last time I used copper to treat ich, all of my fish died..... so do I REALLY need to use meds or just keep them in QT???


If the fish is new then his eye likely was scraped from the net at the LFS. That will heal by itself. Be sure the water quality is optimal. Add vitamins, such as Zoecon and Vitachem, to the food. Feed both of them a high quality frozen angel formula food. Rotate the vitamins. Add a few drops to the food while it defrosts. Let it soak in. Flakes and pellets do not cut it for most SW fish, especially while new.
Should you need to medicate, I would wait and let him heal himself with the help of a quality diet and vitamins, the treatment is Maracyn 2 or SW fish.
Out of curiosity, what happened with the copper treatment?


It was my first ich outbreak so I really didn't know what to do...... I didn't have QT so I treated the whole tank... everyone slowly started to die off, anyways learned from my mistakes, have a QT tank up now and have done a lot of research on hypo and and the use of QT.... thanks for the info, I'll pick up some vitamins and keep a close eye on him, will re-check water this PM.
oh and if it's still there in a week, my Kole Tang should be ok if I treat with meds correct??? (he looks just fine)


If you do not see it improving then the correct medication is Maracyn 2 for SW fish. Your Kole will be fine with that as long as the QT is fully cycled.


So my little Koran is looking iffy, his eye isn't a 100% better but isn't worse, His black isn't as black as it was when I first got him a few weeks ago, he looks like a black shirt that has been through the washer a few times and has faded...i don't think he's going through the "change" cause he's only about 3 inches big??? I could only find Maracyn Two for freshwater, is that the same?? can I use that?? I'm also soaking their food in Reef Plus and feeding them purple seaweed which is enriched with lots of vitamins. My water parms are ok, no change they've always been:
spec grav: 1.22
so should I con't to do vitamins and see what happens? And how about adding some novaqua???


Staff member
Do a small water change daily using water that has been mixing for at least 2 days. Feed the fish at least twice daily and offer some algae sheets as well. Vacuum up any uneaten food.
Use fresh garlic on meaty foods offered. See the garlic topic in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. It must be fresh garlic, not bottled. If things don't improve, then the next step is antibiotic treatment.
This is why it is best to acquire only one fish at a time.


Well my poor little Koran didn't make it.....
......... oh well... my tang is ok, he doesn't look like he has pop eye , just to make sure it isn't contagious????