Kordon Ich attack, new tank? Help please

Thanks Eric! I'll be sure to do that. U know.... My sixline is acting alot better today! I'mgonna read about that other disease that was just spoke of too!
Hello everyone! I have an update and question!
I know ya'll said I shouldn't medicate and do a hypo. But I did and have been! ok, So two days now with no visable spots and they seem to be more active! What I did was left some carbon it the filter! Hypo has been going of course. But every morning I've been putting some Ick-attack in the tank. Carbon is soaking most of it up more then likely, but I'm cool with that cause you said I shouldn't be doing both. However...... Since I am doing both, and fish are taking it.. Do u think my turn around would be any quicker? Has anyone done this?
My sixline is no longer looking weak and laying on his side and my clown has never really stopped swimming!
Granted,,, I know I can't put them back in my display tank cause that has to be fishless for 4 to 6 weeks,, but could I transfer them over to another tank with sand and 1 peice of rock? Could this serve as a stepping stone to see if they get it again? you know.... like a halfway house for a drug attict! LMAO!

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by jayking232003
Hello everyone! I have an update and question!
I know ya'll said I shouldn't medicate and do a hypo. But I did and have been! ok, So two days now with no visable spots and they seem to be more active! What I did was left some carbon it the filter! Hypo has been going of course. But every morning I've been putting some Ick-attack in the tank. Carbon is soaking most of it up more then likely, but I'm cool with that cause you said I shouldn't be doing both. However...... Since I am doing both, and fish are taking it.. Do u think my turn around would be any quicker? Has anyone done this?
My sixline is no longer looking weak and laying on his side and my clown has never really stopped swimming!
Granted,,, I know I can't put them back in my display tank cause that has to be fishless for 4 to 6 weeks,, but could I transfer them over to another tank with sand and 1 peice of rock? Could this serve as a stepping stone to see if they get it again? you know.... like a halfway house for a drug attict! LMAO!
why are you still dosing the stuff if your not supposed too? also, I have used the kordon ich stuff and it does not work. The ich will go away for a day or two but come back worse then before, stick to hypo and don't dose anymore of the kordon.