Korolia 1 powerhead placement question


i got one of these today and its on the left sid eof my tank pointing just a tad up and is roughly in the middle of the wall. since i only have one atm, is this a decent placement or is there an optimum place to put it?
its a 55G tank btw


I think a photo would be needed to give good answer to your question. Its probabley all going to depend on your rock work layout and whether or not theres coral etc that needs high flow


Active Member
I don't think that will provide enough water turnover. If you can't afford another powerhead to maybe place on the other end of the tank, I would save up for one and add it when you can.


Originally Posted by hawkfishman
so 2 of the k1s would be enough for my tank or would it be a good idea to just keep saving for a k2 or 3?
go to the popular bidding site I got a koralia 3 for 37 bucks with shipping