Krispy Kreme


Active Member
Are they fresh? or from a grocery store or gas station?
They are the best when they come right of the rack from the bakery and are hot..
glazed are my favorite...mmmmmmmmmm


We make mini-donuts at the coffee drive-thru I work at. Not quite as tasty as Krispy Kreme, but still pretty tasty.
There was a Krispy Kreme about 20 minutes away from where I lived, but as soon as the hype was over and it had been there a few months, they closed down. No business (besides mine, apparently). Very sad.


didnt know that place still existed..... OVERRATED
best donuts ever are made at Worlds Best Donuts in Grand Marais Minn


Active Member
Originally Posted by bayside
didnt know that place still existed..... OVERRATED
best donuts ever are made at Worlds Best Donuts in Grand Marais Minn
I don' know. KK's are pretty special when they are freshly made.


I worked at a place that got 12 dozen still warm at nearly 6 a.m. every morning. Those that weren't sold, got thrown away. Some days I didn't sell a single one.
I nearly vomit at just the site of a krispy kreme logo.


Active Member
Originally Posted by windmill
I worked at a place that got 12 dozen still warm at nearly 6 a.m. every morning. Those that weren't sold, got thrown away. Some days I didn't sell a single one.
I nearly vomit at just the site of a krispy kreme logo.

lol I think they are WAY overrated, and I love doughnuts!