LA Power outage


Active Member
Anybody here experiencing the power outages in LA.??? I hope you all have some sort of back-up plan.


New Member
yep, we have half the power to our house out while the other half works perfectly. Thankfully, my aquarium is on the working half, but the air conditioning and ceiling fans aren't....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Saraja87
yep, we have half the power to our house out while the other half works perfectly. Thankfully, my aquarium is on the working half, but the air conditioning and ceiling fans aren't....

Thats funny, my parents house in Cal can do that too. They added a room and when the guy tied in the wiring he got part of the house on the regular hot (black) and part on the out of phase leg for the 220 (red wire) My stepdad thought he died and went to heaven. power went out to the whole block but he still had TV.