Labor Weekend tragedy


shark bait

LIVING IN SO CAL HAS IT'S UPS AND DOWNS but power outages, heat waves and things of the such happen. Sorry for the loss.


Originally Posted by shark bait
LIVING IN SO CAL HAS IT'S UPS AND DOWNS but power outages, heat waves and things of the such happen. Sorry for the loss.
Yeah, I know.......but you gotttaaaaa love CALI =)


Ok, after trying to save some corals, this is what was left after the tragedy. I took some corals to my tank at home, but many didn't survive as well....I guess just waiting our business to move and than start the tank again....
Pic today 09/10/07.


Active Member
Man that sucks bad.... I had came close to that as well once thats why I was smart enough to go buy a chiller. You just have to leave it on that whole week cause of how bad the temps were for that week.


Active Member
sorry for the loss but for the bright side we all have ideas of how we would have done our tanks differently you have an oppertunity on making better placement and setup as you rebuild


Active Member
Wow, sorry to hear about this.
I will mention one thing, a controller like the Neptune JR is well worth it. On my tanks, If the temp gets to 84 it shuts the MH lights off and starts another circulation fan. You could configure it so that it would turn on your chiller if it reached certain temp and then turn off once it reached a lower temp. $250 for everything you need. Very simple system to use, controlls all my lights, pumps, fans, etc...Whats nice about this type of system is that you set perameters for everything, like "if temp reaches 84, turn off lights and turn on spare fan" or "If temp drops below 78, turn off fans and chiller and turn on heaters".....


Active Member
That's awful, what a loss! Looks like some stuff made it though, can't believe the clams toughed it out. What all made it fishwise?