Labored,rapid breathing HELP!

wingnut sr

New Member
55 AGA, 50 lbs rock but not live, CC bed.
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitate 25
Ph 8.2
Temp. 79
Spec.Grav. 1.022
Using a seaclone 100 skimmer, a penguin 350 HOB with bio wheels and a penguin 150 HOB with a bio wheel. Tank has been up since march of this year.
Tank mates, 2 yellow tail damsels, 3 green chromis, 1 PJ cardinal, 2 emerald crabs,2 gorilla crabs, 1 bristle star, 1 serpent star, i sand sifting cucumber, a dozen or so hermit crabs and another dozen or so asstd snails and 4 peppermint shrimp.
Fish in trouble is a harlequin sweetlips. two days ago we noticed him breathing harder than normal. Yesterday he stopped eating and became sluggish. His fins keep moving, but he sorta just hangs around, and is hiding alot now. He does not seem to be scratching or rubbing. No appearant signs of anything external as ich. There is a bit of a slimey substance hanging from him.
Diet- frozen mysis shrimp, chopped raw shrimp, gut loaded brine shrimp and soft pellets.
Any help would awesome AND appreciated!


Staff member
What do you mean hanging from him? Does he look like he is shedding, or is it just a white film on the body?

wingnut sr

New Member
The slime is clear, and it is like a string, just a thin line of it. Only on one side of him.
I know the nitrates are high, I have been trying to get then down with water changes. Nitrates have been a constant problem for me. I think its because of the CC bed. And the other fish are not having any signs of stress.
No new fish been added for some time.
I really dont want to lose this fish. Any ideas? :help: