lace rock????


New Member
I know this is not the hobby for people like
me (financially challenged), but......
Could lace rock be an option for being my base rock? I have about 20lbs Fiji live rock
(and plan to buy more) that I could put on top of the lace rock. I have seen some of this lace rock at my lfs and it looks really nice. Just lookin' for more opinions.


I have heard that lace rock can create phosphates, is thier any truth to this? Also if one combines lace rock with live rock will the lace become live? :confused:

mr . salty

Active Member
The main problem with lace rock is that #1 it never really looks as good as real live rock(not even close)and will allways look out of place..#2 is that over time it tends to break down and crumble into powder.I have three pieces hidden in my tank,and they look like sh** and are falling apart...I suggest you just take your time and add a piece or two of good looking live rock every week or two till you have what you like...If you really cant afford to do it right the first time,How are you going to afford to do it over????((i mean that in a nice way))


Anything you stick in the tank will eventually become live. You could put a golf ball in the tank and eventually it will be a live golf ball. My suggestion is to just be sure whatever you put in is calcerous, clean, and sturdy enough that it won't fall apart. Some lace rock is pretty flimsy, some is solid. As for what it looks like, it will all be covered in coraline and turn purple eventually anyway, just just foind some interesting shapes you like that are solid. I just found some pretty gnarly chunks of limestone (look like giant pieces of swiss cheese), cleaned then up well, and threw in a few chunks of live rock to get it started. Remember, there are a thousand different ways to go about this and any of them will work if done properly and patiently.