Lake Superior rock?


I am back home on vacation, and my parents live near the shore of Lake Superior. I was wondering if I could pick up some of the cool looking rocks and boil them to kill anything, and add them to my tank?


You can sterilize anything as long as it doesn't leech elements...which is one problem that comes up with rock other then from the ocean.
Remember, with this rock you lose the benefits of live rock, which are numerous.


It might be a gamble without knowing what the rock is made of. Like musiplot said, it could leech dangerous things into the water, even if properly cleaned. I would say its not worth the risk unless you can identify exactly what it is, but I like to be cautious.

mr . salty

Active Member
Any rock you put in the tank can become live rock in a few months provided it is #1,marine tenk safe...And#2,is porous to provide home to bacteria...

sal t. nutz

IMO, Salty is right. Many here disagree, but IMO, any porus rock will become live in a few months. May take longer for the denitrifying bacteris to form, but the Nitrifying bacteria will form in the initail cycle period. Add some coraline and a detrivore kit, and you can't tell the difference between real and man made LR.


I guess the only problem is: I don't know how to tell if it is marine tank safe, so the safe bet is to not do it, right?


Active Member
Yes - that's the way I see it.
My general rule for rocks and substrate;
If it doesn't come from the sea - don't place it in my marine tank.
This is just one area where I doubt I'll say to myself
" I wonder if ... "
and avoid saying
"if I only hadn't"