lamp from fuge turning flex tube brown...



Not an expert here but if it's clear tubing and it has brown on the inside then it's probably algae, if it's turning brown on the outside like it's getting burnt then you need to replace the tubing and then reroute it, heat will weaken the tubing and could cause it to leak.


Active Member
Algae growth is restricting flow in tubing, making pump work harder and getting less to tank...
Suggest changing it out with a "solid bodied" tubing Black silicone or white "spa flex" to keep light from getting in...
Not an immediate concern, but should be done as time and cash flow allows...


Active Member
i mean i know it is algea. its not thick, i can still see though it. but will it make algea spread in the dt or something? or should i be ok?


Active Member
Algae is opertunistic...meaning it's found a "happy spot" with good light and flow...
If it finds favorable conditions in you DT it will grow there too...
Not that it "spread" from the just found "another" spot with the right amount of food, light and flow to reproduce...