Large angel


Active Member
What large angel would you consider to be the least difficult to keep:
1. Blue face
2. Koran
3. Emperor
4. Queen
5. Majestic
Trying to decide on my stocking list for my 240. Tank mates would be vlamingi tang, powder blue tang, 6 chromis, yellow watchman goby, mandarin, and maroon clown.
I have a passer that, though I would never do it, I think you could step on and it would laugh it off. Beautiful fish and it has not bothered any others in the tank.


Active Member
I have found that all those angels are typically about the same hardiness, it just depends on the individual fish. The emperors seem to be the most prone to parasites and hole in head though. Just in my experiences though.


Active Member
Thanks for all the info. Still not sure if I want to try an angel, as I'm thinking of making this a softie reef tank. Just can't decide FOWLR, or reef.

aquarius 1

I agree that the Koran and Queen are probably the two hardiest individuals on your list. I also have a Maculosus that has been through hell and back and is still ticking. A great fish but tends to be on the aggressive/territorial side. I also have a Singapore Angel which with my experience has proven to be a pretty resiliant angel.


From what I have read, the Koron is the hardiest, but I have a Blue Face which is bulletproof, but very shy. After about 6-7 months he still hides when I approach my tank.:(


I agree. Blue face once eating can be hardy. I had mine for six months now and still hiding a lot. I guess they like the safety of rock crevices.