Large Angle Fish Questions. Need Some Help


Hello all
I am looking for some advice regarding large angle fish, looking more towards the emperor or blue faced.
I just upgraded to a 180g from my 90g.
I have some questions:
1. The tank mates would include a 2 volitan lions, hippo tang and yellow foxface. Would either of these angels co-exist with these fish?
2. What kind of a specialized diet would they require? I know they live largly on sponges and the like, so what would be some good prepared food for them? I already feed my tang and foxface ocean nutrition formula 2 pellets and ocean nutrition seaweed sheets as well as cut up shrimp
3. What other tank mates would work with these combined fish?


Active Member
Originally Posted by rastaangel
Hello all
I am looking for some advice regarding large angle fish, looking more towards the emperor or blue faced.
I just upgraded to a 180g from my 90g.
I have some questions:
1. The tank mates would include a 2 volitan lions, hippo tang and yellow foxface. Would either of these angels co-exist with these fish?
2. What kind of a specialized diet would they require? I know they live largly on sponges and the like, so what would be some good prepared food for them? I already feed my tang and foxface ocean nutrition formula 2 pellets and ocean nutrition seaweed sheets as well as cut up shrimp
3. What other tank mates would work with these combined fish?
If you get a juvi Emperor, it can easily learn to accept a captive diet. They need lots of greens, plenty of mature LR for grazing, as well as meaty stuff The frozen Angel foods that contain sponge are great. The tankmates should be fine; as long as the lions aren't big enough to eat the new Emperor. Juvi Angels are much easier to acclimate that adults (cheaper, too) and watching them change is a great experience. IMO & IME: the Emperors now being sold be reputable dealers are fairly easy fish to keep and would be my choice over a Blue Face.

noah's nemo

May I also suggest a Koran( i love mine)..It has also been put in my ear by very experienced reefers that the emp is one of the more stingy,when it comes to full juvi to adult transfer in captivity...This is not from MOE,but just word of mouth.I have noticed alot of color change in my juvi koran in the 4 months i've had him.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Noah's Nemo
It has also been put in my ear by very experienced reefers that the emp is one of the more stingy,when it comes to full juvi to adult transfer in captivity...This is not from MOE,but just word of mouth..
Not quite sure what you mean by this.

But I will agree with the most experienced reefer I know, SrFisher....Watching an Emperor go from juvinile to adult is very enjoyable. I've had mine for 2 years now and it is full adult coloration now. Also agree about the food and tankmates, should be fine with what you have.


large angels have a tendency to nip at lionfish fins, esp. emperors. they often even go so far as to nip off their venomous dorsal spines before harassing the lion to death.
also, a 180 is pretty tight for all of those fish, considering their adult sizes:
volitans = 15" x 2, so you'd end up with (2) 12"-15" cubes counting finnage.
emperor = 15"
blueface = 15"
foxface = 9"
hippo tang = 12"
besides the angel-lion issue, i think you'll be needing more than a six foot tank just for the tang and angel alone, JMHO...


After hearing the angles will attack my lions i think ill pass... having my lions damaged is the last thing I want, there my trophy fish lol