large angles


Has anobody have any large angles. I would like to have an asfur angle fish in my tank. I would also like to have a koran as well. So have you people have any experince with these kinds of fish.


Active Member
like 120º ? that a large angle ? hehehe
i think you mean angel
im just giving ya crap ! (not serious)


Added my Koran yesterday and he is the last fish in. great advise because he is already trying to skate his claim everywhere. All my fish are small 3"- 4" being the largest so no one can pick on the small guy yet...


New Member
this is weird after reading all of your posts i think my korean is posessed or something mine sleeps with all my fish i just put him in with my pink spotted puffer and they sleep together and like stay together in the tank now my snails are both dead but oh well i dont really care about that now what do i need to feed that korean he ate all the alge in the tank off the live rock there is nothing left all i have to feed him is some blood worm and some brine and he barly eats any of it and i am about to add a purple and yellow tang to the tank i am just curious if he will attack them it seems like he is a lover not a fighter but i am just curious thanks for any replys


i have a queen angel about 6" and she does try to rule the tank, chases everything when she feels like it except she seems to not mess with the purple tang. i feed brine(soaked in vitamins) formula one, reef flakes (soaked), seeweed selects and occasionally some romaine lettuce. i've had her for more than a year now and she is in a 180gal.


New Member
alright i know my grammar sucks and so does my spelling but if you got a computer prob i am your man LoL. Anyways alright i am running a 48 gallon with 45 pds of live rock with a standard filter in the back inside the tank with crushed coral as the bed material that is it i have a puffer and that angel and thats it i am about to add two tangs and possibly a flame angel i want to get a emporer angel but i dont know yet not sure but he is still being nursed back to health. He caught some ick really bad after being trasported to my house so i had to take care of that but i have noticed that he ate all of the alge and stuff off the rocks so what should i feed him thats all i need to know.
thanks for all your help
i was thinking of some sea veggies or something of that nature someone told me there is like angle flaked i can get for him is that true


if you put the 2 tangs and flame angel in your tank,your next posts will probably be titled
"help. my tangs have ick"
"nitrates out of control"
"why are my fish dieing?"
the flame angel is the only fish you mentioned that belongs in a 48 gal tank. that includes the fish you have in there already.


New Member
when they get bigger i will get rid of them i like change i dont plan on keeping the same fish for too long plus i have had the same fish in it prev for about 2 years and i had 8 fish in it 2 tangs 2 clowns and a angel and a few other fish i dont remember but i just got tired of messing with it so gave them away
i shouldnt have a problem i plan on putting another tier tank in the bottom a 20 with a protien skimmer and about 10 pds of live rock and also some other filtration on that i plan on getting a custom made 250 or 300 gal in a few years
this is just my starter tank
besides all of that all i want to know is what to feed him no one has answered my question yall just worry about the fish if he gets to big i will get rid of him dont worry about that besides that i dont know if i am going to keep him he is cool and all but i dont know


Active Member
I agree that people shouldn't be giving you any grief.
No one should worry about your fish getting too big for your tank, because they will die long before that.
No problems there.
People have tried to break the news to you gently, but really you need to lose a lot of money before you will understand....a financial kick in the rear.
Large angels tend not to be cheap, and it is a pity many will die in your hands, but if it gets you out of this hobby, every loss was worth it. Your sentence about the emporer angel getting ick after being transported to your house is pretty telling. Your two angels will probably kill each other, should they be lucky enough to live so long, as will your two tangs. But odds are they will die of the stress of being confined in a small tank, with too many tank mates and without a proper diet.
Now, you bought a fish, and didn't ask what it eats? Obviously, not blood worms and brine, and the latter is almost worthless. Try angel diet, and other frozen formulations. Flakes are not enough, for any marine fish, IMO.
But your posts seem to indicate that you are the "use it then lose it" type (fish are but objects for your entertainment), why not just bring it back for something that is less of a hassle?
Damsel fish have loads of color, and will be great for your size tank, and they will happily eat the food you have, in addition to flakes and pellets, and each other.
That should be entertaining enough.
There are plenty of smaller fish that have color, and would be suitable for your tank. If you had been open to that, people would share their suggestions, and this could have been more productive. Perhaps you'll reconsider.


He got so upset he started whole new thread :eek: I can't believe what this person is saying "I'll just get rid of it ... I like change" Totally irresponsible attitude and I only hope he/she runs out of money before the reefs run out of fish for his/her sadistic pleasures. Oh wait! I'm being too harsh, perhaps a better solution is for him/her to get a job at DeathCo and put an end to their fishes misery.
*sigh* sad sad sad


What is a good size tank for tangs? I have a 150 gal that is not setup yet, but I plan on putting a bamboo shark and a SFE in it. I know that tangs are one of the few tanks mates for sharks. Another question is how many tangs could I put in?


New Member
okay first i dont have an emporer if you could read right you would understand that i am thinking about getting rid of my korean i dont have an emporer yet and if it will get to big i will get rid of it i dont want to kill any fish
i just want some pretty fish that dont get too big and the dude i bought them from said that they wont get that big i am going by what the guy that i buy my fish from is telling me and what yall are telling me i listen to all of yall more than him becuase yall seem to know what you are doing that is why i have not bought anything else yet i am not being upset or mad i just want to know what i need to get for the tank what sort of fish can i put in it and how many i always figured it was 1 inch per 1 gallan if i am wrong please explain the equation so that i can figure out what i need to get and get this fish out of my tank so it wont die i hate to lose fish i know that they are expensive and they are living animals thanks for all the help
P.S. i didnt mean to start a new post it was an accedent
once again posted in the wrong thing sorry
one more thing if anyone want to pay to ship this angel to them i would gladly give him up i just dont want to take him back to the person that i got him from he dont seem to give a ---- he will sale you anything you want no matter what happens and the angel did have ick but he no longer has anything he is very healthy and seems to be very docile if you want pics i can get some pretty good ones of him and i will give him away just shipping from texas to whever is all that i wont pay for


Active Member
Welcome back wrcooper.
I still wish you would find this key: .
But I think we might be able to overlook that.
The 1 inch per gallon rule is for freshwater. The conservative rule for salt is 1" per 5 gallons. With the LR, you don't have a 48 gallon tank. Maybe you have a 40g tank at best, which means 8" of fish maximum. But because you don't have a lot of swimming room, you need to break that up into smaller fish...not things like tangs and large angels that move a lot. A dwarf angel, maybe two if the color is not too similar (they still might not like each other), royal gramma, sixline wrasse, other 'reef safe' wrasses, clowns, etc are good choices. But even the smallest of fish can be big pains and kill each other (eg two royal grammas, or a royal gramma and a pseudochromis, etc). Always ask and we will do our best to help.
The fish you were looking at are expensive, so of course the LFS guy would say that they were fine. Then, down the road, if you traded them back in, he would give you a bit of credit but be able to sell a larger fish for even more.


New Member
so is it better to go with just a reef tank beacase i think those things are soo ugly i dont like plants i like animals that is what sucks so here is a question for you if in a say a year i plan on upgrading to a larger tank is it safe to say keep the fish i have and add maybe one or two more and than when i upgrade just transfer them all or should i just get rid of him to someone but i dont know anyone that would take him and i do have quite a bit of swim room i need to borrow a damn digital cam so i can show yall the tank it has a bowed front on it and it has all the live rock near the bottom stacked on itself sorta like a reef
my fish dont swim alot anyways for some reason. the angel does but the puffer just sleeps and sits all the time he does swim if i come up to the tank but thats about it


Active Member
Your description of the size of fish to size of tank ratio was given in probably the best and most concise manner I have ever heard or read. Thanks for putting some common sense behind this "rule" (using the term as loosely as possibly).


Active Member
where in texas are you located. I would take him. I think between one of my tanks I could find him a home.


New Member
okay here is my next big question the tank i have if i wanted to put any form of shell fish in the tank i would have to remove the puffer i think he is eating all the snails i put in the tank is that true i need to know beacuse he is the coolest fish i have. next to the angel which i guess i am going to have to get rid of i posted all the info on my tank in a diff post if you need the info on the tank thanks for all the help yall
PS the dude with all the starfish stuff on his pst if ya want the korean i could get it to ya you live in houston i am about an hour east of ya