Large Brown Algea Outbreak, Best Solution To Fix And Prevent Future outbreaks?


I just got back last night for a long weekend vacation to find my tank is now over grown with brown algea that wasnt there 3 days ago, it just kinda came outta no where...
It finished cycling about 2 weeks ago and since have added a pair of clowns, a brittle star adn some damels.
Whats my best option for getting rid of it clean up animal wise and preventing it from happening again?
I havnt had a change to get macro algeas for my refug yet but I plan to.
My tank isnt testing high for anything either...


Active Member
What size tank, water parameters and all the inhabitants? I think that the tank was stocked with too many fish too soon. What is your lighting schedule like? It looks like a diatom bloom, which is common. If all you have for a CUC is a brittle star, you do not have a sufficient CUC. Ohh, how long has the tank been set up???


Active Member
what do you have in your tank by ways of algea eaters? snails? shrimp?
For your vacation, were your lights on a timer and still running their regular schedule?


ammonia/nitrite 0
nitrate 10
tank as been running for almost 6 weeks with a month long cycle
damsels were in for whole cycle
clowns and brittle were added last night
all I have for clean up is the brittle, I had planned on having the refuguim up and running sooner to prevent a bloom
lighting is a constant schedule on at 7am of at 8pm
the brittle is cleaning it off the sand as he slowly movies
SO from here what are the recomeended clean up animals. Cant be any shrimp or anything else a lion or grouper will eat. all of which will have to be feed mostly from overfeeding/target feeding cuz once the refug is running i dont think there will be any algea growing


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by rastaangel http:///forum/thread/380054/large-brown-algea-outbreak-best-solution-to-fix-and-prevent-future-outbreaks#post_3306447
I just got back last night for a long weekend vacation to find my tank is now over grown with brown algea that wasnt there 3 days ago, it just kinda came outta no where...
It finished cycling about 2 weeks ago and since have added a pair of clowns, a brittle star adn some damels.
Whats my best option for getting rid of it clean up animal wise and preventing it from happening again?
I havnt had a change to get macro algeas for my refug yet but I plan to.
My tank isnt testing high for anything either...

This is perfectly normal and it happens to all new tanks. It's time for a CUC, hermit crabs love brown algae.