Large Regal Tang


I just bought a large regaL tang and have it it a 75g. There's not a lot in the tank, but the tang is so big I'm thinking 75g is not a large enough tank for him. Who out there has had success with this fish and is there anything particular I should know about him? So far, he hasn't really eaten anything except plant life.


Regals like most other tangs are delicate fish that are highly susceptible to ick. The chance of the fish getting this parasite increases as the fish is exposed to more and more stress factors (bully fish, small tanks, etc.) Personally I think you should be ok with the tang in your tang as long as you don't plan on adding any other large fish. Other will tell you no, and that it needs a bigger tank but this is just from experience. I've raised 2 quater sized hippos to almost 5 inches together in a 70 with a powder brown tang and a kole tang w/o problems. Keep an eye out on the tang to make sure he doesn't come down with anything and he should start eating in a short time. The ones I've had ate like horses. It's also a grazing fish so try some romaine, seaweed selects, or nori in your tank too. Good Luck! Let me know if you have any other questions.
I got my Regal tang when he was only 1.5 inches, and he is now almost 4 inches :D
I do agree with Aquarius about the ick issue. I have a few peppermint shrimp he is trying to use as cleaner shrimp right this second. I have been using the garlic soaking metod for 3 months now and it seems to work very well, I haven't had to add any chemicals for ick prevention. My little guy also eats like there is no tomorrow, but he is happy doing so. Mainly he eats greens, and small brine shrimp. He has eaten other stuff, but I have noticed that they can be picky at times when it comes to meaty foods.
The largest Regal I have seen was about 9-10 inches, and I know they will get bigger.