LARGE setup for sale.. Unfortunatly


Active Member
well folks, its not going to be easy but i have to part with my largest tank since i will be relocating very very soon ( Florida peeple here i come!) and it would be WAY to hard to move it over 16 hours away
NO i am in NO WAY getting out of the hobby , still have my reef tank but this is ALOT of water to move!
i want to sell it all in one shot for 5,000.00 bucks.. i think this is VERY,VERY,VERY fair considering everythign with it..but if i have to part out i will part out livestock first, then rock and sand, then equiptment and tanks..
i AM NOT shipping anything.. im sorry but the fish mean way too much to me and i have had them for way too long to loose them in a shippping accident
i have a 300 gallon with 45 gallon sump/ 55 gallon refugium with about 300-400 pounds of live rock( including refugium)
tankmates are
20" grey bamboo shark- $200.00
28"+/- brazilian dragon eel-extremely docile- $ 300.00
1 volitan lion-very large-$80.00
1 russels lion-very large-$80.00
blue hippo tang-$70.00
unicorn tang-75.00
sailfin tang-65.00
blonde naso tang-50.00
3 large starfish+ cleanup crew and purple urchin
the prices may seem high,, buit these are FAT, HEALTHY show size tangs.. they are huge..but they are negotiobale if you buy all of them, or two i want to keep them together if i could since they all get along so well..
all tangs are show size.. 6-8 inches,, the lions are huge as well
i have had all tankmates for well over a year and a half
i am trying to see if anyone is interested in the whole setup.. custom stand and canopy with flourescent lighting, fans ,powerheads, pumps .. everything, i obviously have over 10 grand invested so its more than a deal!
pictures of it are all over the forum so just search my name in the fish phorography forum


Active Member
Bobby, your set-up is awesome. I will keep my ears open to see if anyone is looking to buy a beautifully established system.
$5000 would be a steal for that set-up!


Active Member
haha i told you that your welcome to come with me!
hey lion, ya im really bummed out about it, but its time in my life to make some serious money! I cant let my college degree go to waste so i must move! thanks alot for asking around for me i really appreciate it!
im only asking so low of a price becaus eits gotta go quick.. i think the rock alone is over a grand and i KNOW the livestock is well over a grand as well..
SHOGUN thanks for the welcome.. ill be in the boca raton or cape canaveral area


Active Member
im going to be way bummed out not seeing the pictures of that tank anymore... please start a farewell forum for that tank!!! haha


Active Member
Just think you'll be able to out fishing and stock your own tank now. If I had not just converted my 240g that 300g of yours is a steal.
Good luck on your sell and your move. Both are very stressful.


if you don't sell the whole lot, will you part it out?
i might be interested in the tank and stand?
no need for the canopy, as my tank is built in the wall. what are the dimensions of the tank? i tried doing a search but seeing as you seem to post 1000 times a day
it is kinda tough to sort through them


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Just think you'll be able to out fishing and stock your own tank now. If I had not just converted my 240g that 300g of yours is a steal.
Good luck on your sell and your move. Both are very stressful.
95HARLEY his Brazilian is the reson I got mine it is truley beautifull eel and would make a great addition to your collection.Your close not a far drive and for that price he wont be there long.My brazilian has become my favorite in avery short time very active and everyone wants to know what he is and are drawn to my 150 becuase he is so active.Check out his videos makes me want to go buy another tank just to get him.


Active Member
hey guys/gals thanks for allt he kind words.. its is going to be stressfull but it has to happen..anyone that has specific questions like tanks dimensions etc. etc just drop me an email at
i am goingto part out the tank if ic an get rid of it in one shot, i mean i priced it go go in one shot , my MAIN concern is trying to keep all the fish together.. ive had theam a ll together for soo long they get along soo great it would just be easier on them, and as i said thats why the price is soo low, but i also know its not easy to get rid of $1000 in fish plus a MONSTER eel and shark..
and i agree my brazilian stole the show.. everyone used to love my shark but when my brazlilian came along , well noone every saw an animal that size up close..


Originally Posted by psusocr1
well folks, its not going to be easy but i have to part with my largest tank since i will be relocating very very soon ( Florida peeple here i come!) and it would be WAY to hard to move it over 16 hours away
NO i am in NO WAY getting out of the hobby , still have my reef tank but this is ALOT of water to move!
i want to sell it all in one shot for 5,000.00 bucks.. i think this is VERY,VERY,VERY fair considering everythign with it..but if i have to part out i will part out livestock first, then rock and sand, then equiptment and tanks..
i AM NOT shipping anything.. im sorry but the fish mean way too much to me and i have had them for way too long to loose them in a shippping accident
i have a 300 gallon with 45 gallon sump/ 55 gallon refugium with about 300-400 pounds of live rock( including refugium)
tankmates are
20" grey bamboo shark- $200.00
28"+/- brazilian dragon eel-extremely docile- $ 300.00
1 volitan lion-very large-$80.00
1 russels lion-very large-$80.00
blue hippo tang-$70.00
unicorn tang-75.00
sailfin tang-65.00
blonde naso tang-50.00
3 large starfish+ cleanup crew and purple urchin
the prices may seem high,, buit these are FAT, HEALTHY show size tangs.. they are huge..but they are negotiobale if you buy all of them, or two i want to keep them together if i could since they all get along so well..
all tangs are show size.. 6-8 inches,, the lions are huge as well
i have had all tankmates for well over a year and a half
i am trying to see if anyone is interested in the whole setup.. custom stand and canopy with flourescent lighting, fans ,powerheads, pumps .. everything, i obviously have over 10 grand invested so its more than a deal!
pictures of it are all over the forum so just search my name in the fish phorography forum
Hey Bobby,
Can you list the specs on your equipment, manufacturer, etc?
What type of lighting system is it, as far as length and numbers? Do you know
what it typically costs in electricity each month?


Active Member
the tank dimensions are wierd.. i know its about 25 1/2 high 26-28 wide and 8 feet long.. im not by the tank rght now but i can get back to you on exact dimensions.
honestly it cant cost too much a month because the only thing i have is regular flourescent lighting which looks great and costs almost nothing to built into the canopy if you need them..i only run a small submersible mag drive for the skimmer and a larger mag drive for the return pump..
the lighting is just simply two 48" dual strips with your standard 6700K bulbs. This kind of lighting you can find in most homes..i also do run a T5 striplight on my refugium, but that is going to be optional for a few bucks extra..
i would bet that it costs ALOT less not evan comparible to run my 300 gallon than to run my 125 reef tank thats for sure!
the tank is acrylic with built in overflow..i will inlcude all plumbing as well, and if anyone wants i would be willing to put the setup together for a price( as far as plumbing etc.) but i will always provide help and anythign i can do obviously free of any charges..
any other questions let me know.. i really want this to go as a whole setup..