Large snail ID


Mr. Bill unfortunately I'm in Utah but my lfs has them all the time. There are some way huge ones. I didn't know they were hard to find at all I'll have to get some more.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Mr. Bill unfortunately I'm in Utah but my lfs has them all the time. There are some way huge ones. I didn't know they were hard to find at all I'll have to get some more.

Like how huge?


Originally Posted by corally
Like how huge?
Yeah they get pretty big alright. My lfs had ones probably the size of a tennis ball in the 20 ft long tank.


In the area where i live mr bill we call them Zebra Turbo's i have about 20 of the exact ones u have pictured and there huge! but anyways the do a great job eating algae and mostly come out at night from what ive noticed....... HTH


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ohioguy06
In the area where i live mr bill we call them Zebra Turbo's i have about 20 of the exact ones u have pictured and there huge! but anyways the do a great job eating algae and mostly come out at night from what ive noticed....... HTH

Do you have a problem with them knocking the rocks around?


Active Member
Here is a better picture of my so-called Indonesian Turbo, you can see how big it is... and they get way bigger.


Anyone know how to change my pictures from bmp format to jpeg? I used Infranview to resize them and it changed them. :notsure:
Edit: Scratch that I think I got it!

Here are a couple of pics of my so called "Pacific Turbo".....I'd say it's a Zebra.



Active Member
Ok now I wish I would have taken more pictures last night.
Your snail has same colors but the pattern on mine is more like black then white squares than the stripes that yours has. Also the shell of mine is smooth, no bumps at all and has a slick appearance.


Yeah Mr. Bill my lfs has the exact ones you're talkin about. Completey smooth shell and it's almost like a yellow and black on the shell? They always have them when I go in. They're cool personally I like them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
Yeah Mr. Bill my lfs has the exact ones you're talkin about. Completey smooth shell and it's almost like a yellow and black on the shell? They always have them when I go in. They're cool personally I like them.
Do they have a name for them?


I'm actually going there today after I get off of work. I'll ask them if they have an exact name for them. I'm pretty good friends with the guy who works there. I'll post tomorrow what they're called since my comptuer at home crashed.


Kinda funny how all 3 of us seem to have a different looking snail. Anyone else have something similar to show? ***)


I'll see if I can get a pic of mine tonight. Mr. Bill, if you can, post another pic of yours so we can better see the difference.


Active Member
If you ask me, a Turbo is a Turbo.

As long as you know the genus you get the general idea. They tend to be out more at night, do a pretty good job of eating micro algae and tend to get BIG.
I still say I prefer Trochus
to Turbo
, they are just cooler looking and seem (to me anyway) to eat more algea.


It's funny, every time I take my GF son to the "fish store" I always wind up getting something. (Hey it's a good excuse!) It's usually just an invert but he loves it, he is 5.
This snail was the first of these we got...I was looking at the LFS live rock and saw this guy crawling around it. I think I paid a buck for him. Anyway, when I asked Will (the 5 year old) last night what kind of snail he thought it was the first thing out of his mouth was "a zebra".
Just though that was kinda cool.

Oh ya, I'll see if I can get some picks of his face tonight....the snail.


Active Member
My snail is in hiding, snail ESP or something is telling him I'm waiting with my camera. I can't even have the hall light on if I want to try to catch him.