LARGE spider web..


Active Member

Originally posted by saltymom
I know I hated it, but.... guess what happen to it??? My Rottwieler killed it and ATE was NASTY. I dont know what kind it was..its nasty so glad its gone!! UGHHHHH :scared: :scared:

LOL Mark!! (wherever you are)


You sure on the id of the spider. It sounds like a brown rocuse "excuss the spelling" :) The are commom in Indiana and Illinois. Like to see more pics also.


you know, i am not afraid of spiders or snakes at all, but for that one i might need like a bb gun or something.....ha ha. my girlfreind is all buddhist and ----, so i am not allowed to kill many things, live catch and release only. snakes too. but i did get to smoosh a mosquito!!!!!!!!! that was only cause she was afraid of west nile.


Maybe we should start a new website "", lol. OK all of you spider experts is there a poisonous spider in the midwest that does spin a web? I know the recluse likes to hide in towels and dark places, someone in a town next to me was bit by one and was in the hospital for a couple of months:scared:


Active Member
ill admit it that im hate spiders, but if i seen one of those big ones all i have to say is " time to get the aersol can and lighter out



Just happened to wander across this thread... since Im a spider fan I thought Id chime in. Basically the only spiders you have to worry about (read:deadly) in the US are the black widow and the brown recluse.
The black widow is of course, quite famous. Shiny black body with red hourglass marking on the abdomen. Theyre quite small (usually dime sized). Ive seen a few here... mostly in junkyards or abandoned places. They prefer outhouses, fenders in abandoned cars, log piles, or under trash can lids. They will not build webs in busy places. The small webs are crazy in design, and dont look like your neat standard spider web. Unless youre looking for them, youll very rarely see one (not usually indoors). Found in the southern US.
The brown recluse is another we have here in texas (and is found in the south and midwest). Its also called the "fiddle back" because it has an upside violin shape on its back. These guys are usually a bit bigger (around quarter sized), brown legs with light tan abdomen. Theyre basically wanderers and prowl around dark warm places. They sometimes build small erratic webs in attics or closets.
The spider in your pic is neither one. Probably a harmless garden spider. One of the most beautiful things youll ever see is a large garden spider variety, about four inches long, bright yellow and black stripes. They build HUGE intricate webs several feet across (not unlike your web) with neat zig zag designs down the middle. The zigzag pattern is extra sticky and attracts insects. Anyhow, enough spider talk... back to fishies!


Active Member
thanks for the clarification. but who gets close enough to look:scared: I am generally running in the opposite direction seeking the entire roll of paper towels or the whole front section of the paper to sqwash it!!


Active Member
Hmmm, we call those wolf spiders around here, I wonder what they are really supposed to be called.
Anyone who rides horses on trails knows what it is like to run into a giant spiderweb, right in the face :eek: , I used to make someone who was new lead lol, it only took a few minutes for them to know why!


wow thedraven! thankies for all that info! LOL>>I gotta kick out of you laffin at our thread thou!! hehe.. variety spider..nontheless..its web is still sticky when it hits ya in the face unexpectedly!! !LOL Next thing u know..yer eyes are welded shut with it..its tangled in yer hair..the more ya try to free yer self the more ya get stuck!!
RIght BIRDY!! LOL..that is so funny. I know exactly what yer talkin about..I used to take a big stick with me..and swipe the way thru the woods!! Those were the good ole I dont have horses anymore, and have moved into the city *sad*
Which brings me to another story...of my dad, asleep on the couch one summer evening... he woke up by something bothering him.... he started feeling around..and found somthing on his face...he went into the bathroom, flipped on the light..and a spider, that he NEVER SAW, mind u... had been going around and around his head with a WEB!!!


Since we are swapping spider stories, I have to tell the one about my mother. On more than one occasion she has woke up with a dead spider in her hand.:scared: :scared: :scared: Her house is one of cleanest around and she could not figure out what was going on. Eventually she found a nest of spiders under the netting on the bottom of the box spring, UGGGGG! I would have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder!!!!!


Ohh for cryin out loud...can u emagine!!! all that time, spiders living under the bed like that..ughhhhh
I wonder do spiders try to get us while we sleep?? What if they think they can get us while we're down or somthing... lmao.
and since spider experts seem to be lookin in on us... Once, along time back, I was dusting in my bed room..and there was this I kid u not..florescent green spider on the curtain. It had long skinny legs and was a bright green. florescent color. I went to get the raid and when I got back, it was nowhere to be seen.. I sprayed the intire room full of a thick fog of raid..and shut the door. I never found its dried up carcass anyplace

Do ya know what kinda spider it was thedraven??



Originally posted by lovethesea
I would have passed out cold on the floor!!!

o lord, this is too funny. LOL, i can see u, saltymom, just walking thru the woods with this big ol stick swingin in front of u

someone said their mom woke up with dead spiders in her hand....well one night i was laying in bed, and this pillow was next to me and i was resting my arm on it. i moved my hand across it, and i felt something, i thought it was just a ball of fuzz. so as it was one of those nights i couldnt sleep and was really bored, i started to roll the "fuzz" around between my fingers.
after a couple minutes, it started to get wet and sqooooshy. so i got up to turn the light on.........and OMG, i bet u can guess what i was rolling around in my fingers!


Actually there are a few common green spiders saltymom, some look almost neon in the sunlight. Were talking outdoor spiders though. Common house spiders are usually drab brown.