grouper 42
I want to upgrade to a 270 gal and cannot get a straight answer on the best way to achieve biofiltration. I intend it to be fish only and don't particularly care whether I have live rock and sand or not. If necessary for biolfiltration I will. I intend to have a protein skimmer. The alternatives appear to be 1) traditional trickle filter with bioballs, 2) Berlin filter set-up that would require live rock and sand to do the biofiltration, or 3) a fluidized bed filter that could be used by itself or in addition to the other two. I get conflicting advise from both talking to people and from what I read. One guy slams the use of trickle filters and another says they are still good. You here that trickle filters are nitrate factories but they obviously work well for alot of people. I realize that there may be more then one way to skin a cat here. I just want to know the best and easiest way before I start.