Large Tank Prices (150gal +) ???


I was just wondering how much everyone paid for their larger sized tanks (150g and up)
i would really like to start saving up for a larger tank (maybey a 180) but i would like to see a range of prices just to see (ex. how much extra to go with a 200 instead) the difference in price...
i'm looking mostly for glass not acrylic but all are welcome as this is in the very very early stages and i haven't made any definate decisions yet...


I recently bought a used 180 gallon with stand and a magnum 350 canister for $400. Then I found this guy that lives near me that was trying to get ride of all his fish tank stuff that he had for his 180 gallon. He sold me a $500+ light setup(he had a reef tank), a wet/dry filter, a berlin skimmer, 200+ pounds of aragonite sand, a big piece of dead coral(worth $50-$100),a magnum 350 canister, and a bunch of misc. stuff(nets, test kits, powerheads, etc.) for $500. The tank and equipment altogether cost me $900. All the stuff he sold me was only 6 monthes old. You should try to buy used stuff, you'll be surprised what you find.
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: JIM27 ]


wow that's a really good deal...
i have checked the classifieds in the past but there never seems to be much for sale in the dc area... but i'll definatly keep an eye out for something...


New Member
I paid $1400 for my 220g acrylic, with stand, canopy, wet/dry, cannister. I got it off ----. Of course I've dumped about another $1400 for the skimmer, sand, salt, powerheads, lights, etc.


New Member
At my LFS, they sold a 240 gallon acrylic, w/ stand & canopy (but nolights or filtration) for $400!!! i was going to get it for my school, but someone else bought it. It was a mixed blessing as later that month (Dec) my heater went out on my car & i had to spend that $400 getting my car fixed. :mad:


If money is an issue then you should be patient and wait for a newly used one to go after. Check out your lfs if they post personals. A couple of stores around here have a bulletin board to look at for deals.
At my lfs I can get just a tank(no stand): 180gal for $169 200gal for $185 or a 250 for $225. They differ on where you live though. for the stand you can add a few hunderd unless you are able to build a good sturdy one yourself.