Large tanks


I am looking for a 100 plus gallon tank Hoping for a 180-240 but 100+ wil work.
I have two 55 gallon tanks if you want to trade and I will pick up the tank.
I also will pay for the tank too.


Comce on no one has a large tank for sale
I am a little dissaponted and in shock??:notsure:
(still waiting)


Thats kinda high dont you think grant I can get a 240 for 1000 brand new will ALMOST every thing.


well let's see I have the following:
1 125 gal tank
1 stand
1 hood
1 dual 250 watt mh setup
1 single 250 watt mh setup
1 ice cap ballast which runs 2 six foot actinic bulbs
1 prizm pro deluxe skimmer
1 emperor filter with two bio wheels
1 250 watt heater
4 penguin power heads
200+ lbs live rock
about 10 fish which I assume you wouldn't want but they are 3 damsels, 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel, 1 green madarin, 1 purple psuedochromis, 2 sebae clownfish, 1 maroon clownfish.
2 blood red shrimp, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, about 60 blue and red legged hermit crabs and 5 emerald crabs and about 20 turbo snails.
1 sebae anemone, 1 frogspawn(5 heads), 2 ricordea, 3 mushrooms, 1 pagoda cup coral, 1 sinularea tree coral, 1 goniopora, 1 montipora, 1 blastomosa, 1 colony of brown and green zoo, 2 frags of something that I don't know what it is, and 1 large colony of green star polyps.
If you can get all that for 1000 brand new then more power to you.
And before any of you would ask, No I will not part it out, either it all goes or it all stays.


WOW NM i thought a "complete setup" was like the tank stand lights rock and thats about it Maybe some power heads
?? you sure as hell shocked me LOL
Sounds like a great setup may i ask why you are getting ride of it.
Also how much does it cost you a month persay to runn that tank.(E.X. light cost, R.O water, salt, food, the works????)
I would love to buy that tank but i only have about 500 bucks right now.
You sure you would not part with justa couple corals or fish my 30 gallon and 55 gallon reefs look REALLY bare right now.
PS do you have any pictures of the tank wold love to see it.


Well when I bought the tank I thought it was for sure what I wanted. I used to have a 70 gallon fowlr that I was fairly indiferent towards. Well now that I have the 125 for about a year I feel that downgrading to a 75 to 90 gallon reef is really where I want to be. The added expense of a six foot long tank is what really did it for me. If I get rid of it I would be putting the 1500 in a smaller setup. Well that is why I would be willing to sell it to you. As for cost my electric bill went up about 25 dollars a month with this tank. I don't use ro/di water I use tap(gasp!!!!). I replace about 10 gallons of water a week in top offs. I do 10 gallons every other week in water changes so salt doesn't cost too much. I will be glad to post some pics.


So this tank DOES come with ALL THAT IS SEEN HERE??
1 125 gal tank
1 stand
1 hood
1 dual 250 watt mh setup
1 single 250 watt mh setup
1 ice cap ballast which runs 2 six foot actinic bulbs
1 prizm pro deluxe skimmer
1 emperor filter with two bio wheels
1 250 watt heater
4 penguin power heads
200+ lbs live rock
about 10 fish which I assume you wouldn't want but they are 3 damsels, 1 yellow tang, 1 flame angel, 1 green madarin, 1 purple psuedochromis, 2 sebae clownfish, 1 maroon clownfish.
2 blood red shrimp, 2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, about 60 blue and red legged hermit crabs and 5 emerald crabs and about 20 turbo snails.
1 sebae anemone, 1 frogspawn(5 heads), 2 ricordea, 3 mushrooms, 1 pagoda cup coral, 1 sinularea tree coral, 1 goniopora, 1 montipora, 1 blastomosa, 1 colony of brown and green zoo, 2 frags of something that I don't know what it is, and 1 large colony of green star polyps.


New Member
where are you at in ohio? I live in fairlawn and am looking to upgrade from my 90 gallon tank. let me know what's goin on with that and I may be interested if we can work out a trade/partial trade. if you're interested I can send pics and a list of what I have... I'm sure you would want to keep some things but that could all be worked out later.


yep it is all available. However there may be something that dies before you buy it. Also I had some modifications to do to the tank. When I got the tank there were no braces on the top so I made some out of metal. It has been up and running that way for over a year now so there is no problems there. But if you are interested sure let me know, 1500 gets the whole lot.


Are you 100% sure you would not sell me just a FEW corals I really could use some.
I just can't afford to buy that tank EVEN though I FELL IN LOVE WITH IT:yes: :eek:
The FEW! corals I would LOVE to purchase from you would be
1 sebae anemone, 1 frogspawn, 1 pagoda cup coral, 1 blastomosa, 1 colony of brown and green zoo and that is the MAX!!
you don't have to sell me the 1 pagoda cup coral if you dont want to. I would pay for shipping and every thing like that NO PROBLEM.
I could really use these coral/anemone
PS just think about it PLZ


I am sorry, if I am going to keep my setup I am going to keep everything in it. As you are having a problem with your tank looking bare even with all of that stuff in my tank it still looks and is quite unfinished. Once again sorry.