Larger fish in smaller tank


Ok i was wondering if i could put a fish thats recommended for a 55 gallon in my 35 gallon after its cycled and established. I sorta had planned gettin a percula or maybe 2, then 3-4 months later get a Racoon Butterfly cuz i really like them or a Yellow tang cuz they are interesting. Would that work in a 35 gallon tank?
i use this site for fish reference information:
Exotic Tropical


Active Member
Which one is recommended for a 55, and which one are you planning to put in the 35, and what size is it now?


Active Member
A couple of thoughts:
Butterflys are some of the more delicate fish out there. While the racoon is reported to do better than most, they're still butterflys. If you attempt it you may want to wait for more than 3-4 months. Let your tank fully mature and become very stable. Ensure you have excellent skimming for optimum water quality.
As for the tang, I think a 35 is much to small. Tangs get big and are very active. Your's may feel quite cramped which will lead to stress and illness.
There are many other fish to chose from that would be happy with your clowns in a 35.
Good Luck!


Racoon Butterflys and Yellow Tangs are recommened for 55 and 50 gallon tanks. I want to add 1 or 2 percula clowns and either the Raccon Bttrfly or the Yellow tang months later. Um the clowns are small around an inche or so. And the Racoons at teh LFS are about 3-4. Yellow tangs are about 2-3 at the LFS too. But the Racoons/ Yello Tang will be added 2-4 months later, when the tank is fully established and if i know i can keep them in the 35 gallon tank. Hope that helps


jumpfrog could u recommend some fish that are kinda large, liek round 5-6 inches that would do well?


Active Member
Ah, therein lies the rub. Larger fish in smaller spaces. I see where you're going but unfortunately it's problematic.
While it's not perfect, the general rule for SW fish is 1" of adult fish per 5 gallons of water. Your 35 at this rate would allow for 7" of fish safely. See where I'm going with this.
Your clowns will probably be 2"-3" when grown. You're then at 4"-6" already.
Adding a few more smallish fish would be no problem. But 5"-6" fish would start be put quite the strain on your system. With very strong filtration and skimming you could push the envelope, so to speak.
Have you considered adding some other smaller varieties which add color and style? Firefish, 6 line wrasses, pyjama or bangaii cardinals, blenny or sand dwelling goby?
All would make for a nice tank that you would not have to worry about pushing bioloads.
Good Luck and let us know what you decide!


previously i had planned 2 perculas and 1 flame angel, but hes kinda pricey. I live in canada, and would like to spend less that $80 for fish or so, but am willing to spend a little more. Flame Angels alone cost $65 then we got taxes, oh beautiful canada. lol. I understand what u are saying but just at times u hear of ppl saying "pff oh yeh i kept one of those in this and this tank for plenty of years". I understand i dont wanna go over the bioload. The tank is jsut cycling so nothing is in there. SO i might go with 2 perculas and a flame, or 1 and 1. I fear i wont be able to maintain a flame as ive ehard angels are kinda picky on food and water levels. I am also a beginner to tell u, but ive done freshwater for liek 4-5 years so i know some stuff. I got a berlin airlift 60 skimming my tank right now, with 5.5 lbs of rock and Aquaclear 150 and 100 filtering as well.


Active Member
Good choices yall, take their advice. Nolo has some key small tank fish. The percs are the best choice out of the ones you named jawz. I agree on the other ones being a little too large. They would simply be unhappy.



Originally posted by nolofinwe
go for the percs, then use your money to get more live rock (i dont think you have much biomedia on that system, 5.5 lbs of rock isnt much. do the aquaclears have biowheels on them?).
then look around at some fish that have historically had a good record in smaller tanks.
I think youd enjoy smaller active fish over a large, ponderous, unhappy fish that stagnates in the tank all day.

Yeh i think ill just add a few perculas and watch them grow, could i put more than a pair in there?
Um the the aquaclears do not have biowheels and yes i do lack biomedia, but the one aquaclear isnt cleaned very often so it sort of acts liek a bio filter. I plan to build some sort of wet/dry filter later to better my filtration. And im saying up for more live rock but i want my tank to appear simple so i may not put more than 10-15 lbs in there. I also have a 4 inche sand bed jsut to state.


What about a coral beaty angelfish?
And thanks again to nolofinwe, HairTrigger, and jumpfrog, u guys are really helping me out.

sea goblin

I think after your tank has matured to about 5-6 months a coral beauty would be fine, i have a 30 gal tank with a yellow tail damsel, false perc, and a coral beauty. All fish are very happy and very active.


You could add a small angels, they are nice. As others have said, it's not the size of the tank for those temporarly small fish.... its also their growth, and the lack of swimming room. Those fish swim a lot, everyday in the wild.
Also, I believe you could add more than 2 clownfish. If you can find a batch of false perculas that were all captive raised together, they would probably get along.
Good Luck! :)