Largest/Smallest/Most Oddly Shaped


Active Member
I have a few reefkeeping books and was checking out some from the library today. I found one from 1996 and it was actually pretty good. The opening portion explained how the hobby evolves. The book explains that keeping a reef aquarium with a total WATER volume of less than 20 gallons is not possible and should not be attempted. It also explained that tank shape other than a rectangular prism looks poor because of the way the light reflects. 1996 was not that long ago, so it is interesting to see how the hobby has changed. There were some other interesting bits that show how much has changed. Anyway, that got me thinking. Who on this forum has the smallest reef tank? What about the largest tank? Oddest shaped? If you can think of anything else to add to this, feel free. I'll edit the thread. I have a four gallon tank, but it is not yet a reef (it isn't anything yet actually). So I won't be in the running for a while.


Well-Known Member
I think Gemmy has a mason jar.
Acrylic has a 433g, but no water yet.
Bullitr has a 435g.... I think that's about as big as I can think of at the moment.


Active Member
I have a mason jar and a half moon tank. I believe there are several people here that have "odd" shaped tanks.


Active Member
Am I mistaken in proposing that the popularity of irregularly shaped tanks has increased since 1996? I agree that the image gets distorted slightly, but from what I've seen, it appears as though the larger the tank is, the less distortion occurs. Kind of like how a circle with a radius of infinity is really just a straight line. I am a big fan of the bow front, but don't care much for the hex look.


Well-Known Member
I don't know... I think there have always been odd shaped tanks around.... for quite a while. There has been some recently odd shaped tanks like those H ones and C ones.... but I dunno. I like the traditional aquariums, but I am really starting to like the Elos style tanks.


Well-Known Member
If I could, I would love to do a dropoff style tank: