Las Vegas


Ok so i'm going out to Vegas for my sister's wedding. Don't really want to but i guess i have to. So i devised a plan to make some money so when i come back i can blow it all on corals. Let's hope it works out
. I was wondering why people don't just double their bets if they lose??? So you can win back what you lost and the extra. Like if you lose $50 then bet $100 and win then you won back your money and make some too. Is that considering cheating??? I don't want to get caught cheating and end up in an alley. lol. Is that considered counting cards??? By just doubling your bet everytime you lose. I was thinking of the roulette table and bet on black or red so the odds are better. So what do you guys think??? Bad plan, good plan??? or greed will take over and i'll lose all my money. lol


Active Member
It is absolutley not considered cheating, that is money management. Just know what the table maximums are. Also an inside hint to table a typical weekend night progresses the casino get more crowed so the pit bosses raise the minimum bets. You will be hard pressed to find a $5 Black Jack table on a weekend night after 9.00. However, if you are at a table with $5 or $10 minimums and they raise the minimum to $20, they still honor the $5 minimum to players that were at the table for the $5 minimum. Call it a grandfather clause.
I have tried this doubling theory on blackjack and rollette with more positive results than negative. The secret is you need a bank roll to survive 7, 8, 9 losses in a row. It sounds impossible to lose that many times, but it can happen and happen quite easiily. Don't be greedy and have your first bet be $20, because you will quickly be at $160 and $320 bets before your first beer. Start small at $5 or $10 whatever the table minimum. If you are winning 3 out of 5 times every ten minutes you are on pace for $60 an hour in earnings.
My favorite is this but you will be on your feet and most likely not be able to enjoy the free adult beverages the cocktail waitresses hand out. You can get them, you just have to remember the waitress and look out for her when she returns. Also tip well, they frown on not delivering the drink to the same chair, they want you cemented in the chair because the odds go to their favor the longer you are in the chair. However I find the following scenario the most fun. You aren't bogged down at a BJ table with shuffling decks holding things up or stuck with a third baseman hitting on 14 when the dealer is showing a 6.
At the bigger casinos they will isolate games in sections, so 4 or 5 table of BJ and 3 or 4 tables of rollete. I like finding an intersection on the casino floor that has 3 or 4 tables of rollette WITH the digital recorder of the last 20 rolls within feet of each other. You jump from table to table playing the color. If the recorder shows 3 or 4 rolls of red, bet $10 on black. Lose bet $20, lose bet $40. Its the same idea you are trying, but jumping around let's you miss out on the first 3 or 4 losses in the streak. It is not uncommon for the same color to come up 10 times in a row.
Now the odds experts will say the ball, cards, dice don't have a memory. That is true, but for some reason I do well with this scenario. If you have a partner that wants to do this too, you can work together. If there are 2 tables going on a streak you can eye ball each other and place bets for each other. This last sentence is the only thing that might stretch the rules a little bit.
Good luck, have fun, and don't bet more than you can comfortably lose. Those are billion dollar hotels, so the odds are against us and they know what they are doing.


Active Member
a friend of ours can count cards.....he is marked at the casino's around here.
My cousin is the head of credit at one of the BIG casino's in Vegas. (boy can he tell some stories.) Believe you me, they will have you in seconds if they (cameras, pit boss and dealer) suspect something going on. Just set your limit and go from there. I personally don't like gambling, its stacked against you at the casinos. When I visit my cousin, I sit at the nickle slots and have the drinks sent over.
Just have fun, there is a lot to do there.


Active Member
p.s. I lived in Bedford for a few years with my Dad..........
I still have my Liberty high school year book


Active Member
All the shiney new casinos are built on winning formulas

My advice is figure out how much you can afford to lose and only play with that much. consider it all intertainment value like shoving dollar bills in a G string at a strip club. If you win, great. If you lose, no big deal. Gambling while trying to make money is generally a miserable experience.


You have better odds w/ a Double Deck or Single. The Single deck is BS because they only pay you Even money for BJ. So I boycott those POS. Many of the Henderson casino (off the strip) are BJ tables that are 2.00 and 3.00 min bets. I usually play those.
I wouldnt play the way you are thinking though. A rough run in a shuffle will make you 'stuck' very fast. 2 dollar loss. 4 dollar loss. 8 dollar loss. 16 dollar loss. etc etc.. if you are head.. dont get greedy.. just get up and leave. Its harder than it sounds.. but that is my wisdom for you. I worked off playing BJ and Texas Hold em for a bit during the summer.
Make sure to READ all of the basic BJ rules. I HATE it when someone hits their 15 w/ a dealer showing a 5 or a 6.
Roulette is a bad game... house odds are great. Its more of a drinking game than a winning money game (because most of the time you can get .25 chips and play those on numbers.. but most likely on the off strip casinos). BJ is where its at. Has the lowest house odds in your favor.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
All the shiney new casinos are built on winning formulas

My advice is figure out how much you can afford to lose and only play with that much. consider it all entertainment value like shoving dollar bills in a G string at a strip club. If you win, great. If you lose, no big deal. Gambling while trying to make money is generally a miserable experience.

I would also advise leaving your ATM card at home. You know so you don't "get some more money so I can win back what I just lost" I have no idea how much my brother in law did this last year during super bowl weekend, but it must have been BAD
I would say dont gamble when your there if you want the most money. You will go with x amount of dollars and come home with less, the odds are against you. this isnt always the case but those casinos are there for a reason. they make the $$$$$$$$$!
I would recomend have some fun set aside an amount you dont mind losing and when you lose it dont try to win it back. its a beautiful place with lots of things to do.


From what I know about gambling, which isn't a whole lot, it's seems like there is a greater chance of winnning at blackjack. My mom has won thousands several different times( she starts on $5.00 tables, then moves to $25.00 once she's pretty well ahead.). One time she won enough to remodel her whole kitchen. At least she did something useful with the winnings.


Im not much of a gambler either. Thats why I like my job, if i need money for something I can just work on of my days off and thats an easy $600.00 in my pocket (beings how I work 5on, 4off, 4on, 5off). Its awesome.


Active Member
personally i've won more money on "let it ride" than any other table game (this was before texas holdem was so popular).


If you have a decent memory you can make money on Black Jack. Find a single deck game though, its easier. I wouldn't recommend doubling up your bets if you lose though because there are times when you can play all the right strategies and still lose 5 or 6 hands in a row to the luck factor. So if you were on a ten dollar minimum table you are down $630. You make money in black jack over a long period of time. Also Craps can be a good game to play, just don't fall for sucker bets. Play the pass line and then back it up at full odds. The house has almost no advantage on that bet, i think it is like .1% or something.