Last Night


New Member
I have 5 children, 1 on the way, and a Maltese. So last night my wife decides we need another puppy, 2 hours later after a little Craiglisting, we added a Cocker Spaniel pup to the mix. After numerous wake up's in the middle of the night, I Just wanted to say, I love fish.....LOL....


Congrats on the new puppy. I love dogs but they can be a pain in the a** when they're puppies, that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BigDaddyC
I have 5 children, 1 on the way, and a Maltese. So last night my wife decides we need another puppy, 2 hours later after a little Craiglisting, we added a Cocker Spaniel pup to the mix. After numerous wake up's in the middle of the night, I Just wanted to say, I love fish.....LOL....

She is just nesting....she just wants a baby to care for...Five children and one on the way, and you already have a dog. That has to be it.
Puppies are hard. Crying at night, potty training and chew stages...I understand why you love fish. LOL
Congratulations on the new puppy (I love Cocker Spaniels) and keep us posted when the new baby arrives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
Congrats on the new puppy. I love dogs but they can be a pain in the a** when they're puppies, that's for sure.
what are you talking about? Even when they are adults they are a pain in the a**. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by JAXFishGirl
what are you talking about? Even when they are adults they are a pain in the a**. lol
My neighbors dogs are a pain; my springer spaniel & beagle are family. BTW, Flower is right about the nesting. Puppies are usally followed by a human pregnancy. This is a 100% proven fact, according to Wikapedia


Dogs ARE a pain. My wife's german Shepard chewed up front and back bumpers on my 87Buick Grand National and 87 Chevy Monte Carlo Aerocoupe. A couple of pretty expensive colectibles.


Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
Dogs ARE a pain. My wife's german Shepard chewed up front and back bumpers on my 87Buick Grand National and 87 Chevy Monte Carlo Aerocoupe. A couple of pretty expensive colectibles.
Wow, I thought it was bad that my dog chewed up my $1200 DSLR camera and $400 phone...I think your collectibles are more pricey than mine

small triggers

Active Member
i dont let my dogs chew.....they do it for a reason and you just have to figure out of my dogs has seperation anxiety as long as she has a rawhide when i walk out the door, she doesnt chew anything shes not supposed to...the other was chewing on things cuz he saw her do it,, when she stopped he did to (though i put muzzels on both while I was gone until i could figure out why they were doing it)


Active Member
My dog had the separation thing too, since she had come from a shelter. I felt bad about muzzling so I went the kennel route. Turns out, she loved it and treated it like a cave. It made her feel safe and actually solved all of her insecurity issues. And there I was feeling so bad about locking her up.


i HAD a chocolate lab puppy came home and he had chewed my oak staircase. not just a little he was working on all the treads all day long. very expensive fix. fish are much better


Active Member
I had an old english sheepdog that stayed with my mother for a short time and he was not a chewer. He was also not a puppy.
She got brand new carpeting through out the whole house, and on the stairs. It was very expensive berber carpet.
She came home 2 days after the carpet was installed and he had ripped it from the whole staircase. Even the padding the wood shim things. He did it in about 4 hours. :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by small triggers
i dont let my dogs chew.....they do it for a reason and you just have to figure out of my dogs has seperation anxiety as long as she has a rawhide when i walk out the door, she doesnt chew anything shes not supposed to...the other was chewing on things cuz he saw her do it,, when she stopped he did to (though i put muzzels on both while I was gone until i could figure out why they were doing it)
my dog too has seperation anxiety. well used to. I got him from my brother who was going over to Iraq and didn't want to put him in the pound. He was crate trained but he hated it. he cried so loud when i put him in there. So, I got an Xlarge dog gate for the kitchen and I swear my dog is an ecscape artist. So i had to give up on that. I tried rawhides for the first time after all that and it's like crack for him. he loves them. lol


Active Member
My Labramutt has the separation anxiety but has never chewed. If I could keep the moose from jumping in my lap and shedding I would say a near perfect dog.