Last Time??


Active Member
I am going to ask this question for the last time I want alot of responses please. I am ordering my lights tomm afternoon. I have decided on these two choices a or b. My tank is a 29 gallon. Whichever choice gets the most votes my tomm by 12 noon I will purchase...
a)4 55w powercompact retro kit with 2 seperate ballasts for dusk dawn settings. 220 watts total...
b)4 tube vho 24 in bulb with 75 watt bulbs. In series product all have to be on at the same time all the time....300 watts total...


I agree w/reefman...I have 260watt PC's in my 55 gal. That package would be more than enough for a 29 gallon.


Active Member
VHO is the way to go!! Just ask me.:D
I too am bothered by the fact that I can't control the lights individually but, I love the look of the VHO. It is just my opinion because I know that PCs are more intense per watt/area but, I don't like the look of them nearly as much as my VHO.


I like the look of VHO better than the PC but the PC will give you more bang for you buck.......but the whole point of this hobby is to keep the critters happy while giving you some "eye candy" maybe get 2 VHO and 2 PC? :p anyway, cant lose either way you go...


Active Member
What about MH...just kidding there are way too many lighting options out there...but I say PC, VHO does look better, but seperate control is betterer...uhm betterist...uhh most better


i have 2 pcs on my tank now and some day i would like to get rid of one and get vho.. i think the corals show more color under vhos
it just looks better..:)