I tested my calcium last week and it was super low 200-250!! I tried to use C-balance that week to bring it up, but now it is only 275. To fix this I did a water change today and the last 5 gallons I decided to mix 2 tablespoons of kalkwasser in with the saltwater and drip it into the tank over what I thought would be 24+ hours. Apparently something went wrong, I still don't know what, and all of the 5 gallons of water/kalkwasser, including the sediment on the bottom, went into my tank in less than 8 hours. I went to work and when I got back my tank was in a snowstorm! My corals are ok because they sluffed their slime coat, but I am sure my pH is going to skyrocket! What do I do? How do I fix this? Someone help me out please!!!