Late Night Emergency!!


I tested my calcium last week and it was super low 200-250!! I tried to use C-balance that week to bring it up, but now it is only 275. To fix this I did a water change today and the last 5 gallons I decided to mix 2 tablespoons of kalkwasser in with the saltwater and drip it into the tank over what I thought would be 24+ hours. Apparently something went wrong, I still don't know what, and all of the 5 gallons of water/kalkwasser, including the sediment on the bottom, went into my tank in less than 8 hours. I went to work and when I got back my tank was in a snowstorm! My corals are ok because they sluffed their slime coat, but I am sure my pH is going to skyrocket! What do I do? How do I fix this? Someone help me out please!!!


I forgot, I also put some balance blocks in hang on skimmer and they have already dissolved.
I feel like a retard!!:confused:


Is the pH all that I have to worry about? What about the sediment all over the rocks? Is this fiasco really that easy to fix?


Active Member
Calcium and Alkalinity as well, but I believe pH is what you should test first.
I don't know much more that you can do if the sediments somehow got into the sounds like those must have been some large tablespoons.
Kalkwasser needs to have time to mix and settle as you can see by now. I usually wait 12-24 hours before dripping it into the tank.
Good luck. :)


Thanks for the help RyeBread, hopefully this will teach me a lesson without making me REALLY pay for it. Thanks again and I will act on your advice.