Lathargic Porky puffer


My porky looks to be in good health and eats heartily but he is very lathargic. He hangs out only on one side of the tank or on the bottom like he is hiding. I've had a porky before and that one was very active. Why is this one like this?


Porks will do this sometimes... barring any water quality issues, you can attribute this to personality.

murray bmf

Sometimes my porky will be active and swim around and act crazy (mostly at dinner time) but for the most part he just lays around and is real lazy. I think as long as he's eating alright he's fine.


Porcupine and Dogface puffers are usually very lazy by nature in comparison to say the Spiny Box or Stars and Stripes Puffers. A couple things that will affect your Porky's activity level are:
1.) Water quality. I noticed a huge difference in activity once I started adding supplements like Ca and Iodine. I thought set-ups without corals didn't need it, but then realized ALL seawater contains these elements - even where Puffers are. Always try to mimick natual water as close as possible regardless of what is in your tank.
2.) Lighting. There is a reason Porcupine Puffers have such HUGE beautiful eyes - they are a deep water fish. Therefore bright or intense lighting can cause them to hide in shaded areas all day. Once I switched my lighting from 50/50 to just one 1-watt LED moonlight my Porky was out all day swimming. Intense lighting is also a possible cause of Porky's getting cataracts as they age.
3.) Feeding. Porky's, like most puffers and fish for that matter, LOVE to eat and don't remember stuffing their faces 5 minutes after they are done. It is very common for poeple to stuff their puffers and keep them very fat (since they beg like dogs) - which causes them to rest on the substrate to digest. hence the more you feed, the more rest is necessary. I only feed my Porky twice, maybe three times a week and he is very active.
Murray BMF is right, the first sign somehting is wrong a puffer will stop eating. Good Luck with the little lazy guy :)


Active Member
Mine gets like that sometimes, and I get worried, but then the next day he is fine, I think he eats too much and gets a belly ach.


Puffygrrl, Actually my dogface is very active him and the porky are like night and day. I know my water quality( the basics) are good but I have never thought about Cal or iodine. I too have never considered my tank needed it. I will buy some test kits and try that. Thanks. And Thanks everyone.