lawn mower blennie


okay... a few months ago, i had a lawn mower blennie. he died. i had noticed he had a red thing hanging out of the bottom of his tale. the only way i can describe this is his colon had came out(i have no idea) and he started throwing up anything he ate. eventually he got soo skinny he died. i figured he just got a disease unlucky for him.
so lately i have hair algae problems and decide to try another lawn mower blenny, thinkin the first one died out of bad luck. well this one i had in the tank for about a week and noticed he was a bit chubby after about 2 days(i figured since he was eating so much of this hair algae that has infested my tank,im wondering did he eat too much) well about the first 3 days, i see him swimming around and what not just a little shy, well then another day goes by and i notice he is hiding a lot more. today i havent seen him in a few days, so i move some rock, and i find him dead. i think he may have eaten too much. i am trying to figure this out. any ideas? i really like the blennies and want to keep one, but im trying to figure out why mine die.
the tank is a 45 g i have a 1g fuge w some live sand live rock and some algae, a cpr bak pak 2(just installed this 3 days ago, right after i started noticing the blennie acting wierd.) powerheads for circulation.
50 lbs of live sand, atleast 50lbs of liverock no corals
2 perculas
1 sixline wrasse
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp
coral banded shrimp
snails and hermits
my tank levels are fine, thats not what im worried about because i had a blenny in my tank for about a month before it died and this one was only in their for a week.
all help is appreciated. thanks


Active Member
That's odd, I really don't have any idea (I don't think an LMB would eat too much, although some fish will such as lions)
I've never had a problem with mine...
I would recommend buying one from someplace else if those two were from the same LFS and maybe you'll have better luck


see how much your lfs is feeding them maby the lfs doesnt feed them so the first one got so hungry it practicly ate its in sides and the other ate to much incase it were to go back to the place were there was nothing to eat other then that i dont know


the first one was in my tank for a while before it died... it was doing fine for like 3 weeks, then all the sudden it started throwing up everything it ate.
i got them both from two dif stores


Active Member
Did your six line perhaps pick on the blenny? Just a thought... I didn't think they could eat too much, but then again, I have heard weirder things.


New Member
omg the exact same thing happended to mine.........i had mine for about 3 eats good and swims around alot, until one day it just died........with a really big belly.....and i dont know y