Lawn Mower Blennie

I just got a new LMB bc of everyones good coments on how outgoing and fun they are.BUT... mine hides everytime i walk near the tank (is it bc he is new nisnt comfortavle)
the other fish dont harass it( 2 percs - stay on other side of tank-)(1 puffer)(yellow tang)


New Member
:) dont worry at all its just stressed, my fox face did that for a week until it got use to me its ok try puting something new in the tank make it feel welcome


Active Member
Yea, give it some time, try to approach your tank in a slow and consistent manner so not to startle him into hiding. HTH


Active Member
As stated, he will come out. Give it time. And when he does, sit back and enjoy. They have great personalities. Mine swims up to me when I am feeding and perches on my hand trying to find algae to eat off of me...isn't afraid of anything...Great fish!
Only thing I'm not sure of is if that Puffer will give it a hard time.