Lawnmower blennie, do they eat flakes or frozen foods?


I have seen mine eat flakes, but not very often. He usually gets his fill on algae, which is fine with me. And I know he eats cause he has gotten huge!


Yeah, I have one that is a total glutton. He will eat most anything I feed with and in large portions. I have never heard of one being very picky.


Active Member
great, looks like im going to get one :D, my friend had a lawmmower, it died, it didnt eat anything but algae from the wall, my theory was because of the arrowcrab


Active Member
if only they can get scooters and mandarins to eat flake:D, hey i noticed you have a blackstrip hermit, i actually got 2 blackstripes that i thought were blue legs since they were very small. How big is yours?


Active Member
Hmmmmmmmmmm, that's strage, 'cause mine 2 only eat algae. That's probably because i have so much algae, they fill their stomachs, so that they cannot see food anymore. Because i have so much algae, i was thinking what if you bring your blennies and we make an "ALGAE PARTY" :D
Be careful about get a LMB since a good majority will only eat algae. I got one from 6th and that is all he eats in my tank. I don't know if you were going to 6th to get it but no one else carries a LMB around here...not even Nippon when I went to check.
Besides making sure you have plenty of algae, you will need to make sure that you secure all corals,etc in your tank since the LMB gets big and will tend to knock things over especially when they are eating algae.
Good luck!


Active Member
im not getting any fish at 6th ave;), balboa had some last time, i dont know if hes goign to get more. I might ask taravel to see if they can get one for me


When you go to the lfs have him drop some flakes or nori in the tank and see if he eats it. I would not buy one if I did not see it eat. We are lucky and ours eats Flakes, Mysid shrimp, Nori and whatever he can get off the glass and rocks. We don't even get the Nori clip stuck to the glass and he's already chomping on it.


I've tried nori,flakes and frozen brine.Mine will only feed on algae.Maybe it has to do if they were tank raised or not.My scooter on the other hand will eat anything I feed him.


Active Member
even flakes?
Do you guys think i can put it into the my 15 gallon, im thinking of giving away my scooter blennie, this hair algae is driving me crazy!!!! 15 hermits and it only helped 10% in one week!!!!!