Lawnmower Blennie info


I keep hearing that these are great fish for algea eating but I can't find them in any books. So, how big do they get? Foods, besides algea? Will they eat flakes? Compatibility? Any info whatsoever would be great.
Oh, and don't worry - it's not like I'm going out and buying one for my already-filled-up tank! :rolleyes: This is only a possibility for a larger upgrade I hope to get this summer. I'm not one to buy or even think of buying before research.


I'm not sure if it's the same as an algae blenny? I had one that ate flake food readily, in fact he would beg for it whenever I walked by. But some won't take to flake.
Lawnmower blennies: Genus Salarias, more specifically, Salarias fasciatus, are a terrific animal. Hardy, disease resistant, great alage cleaners (love those Marilyn Monroe lip prints), all that and personality plus. Most of them think they are movie stars. :D
If you have a smaller tank, keep only one. Like many of the other blennies, this species will consume frozen herbivore foods and may eat flake foods. (Although this should not be encouraged or the blennie will loose its taste for algae, much to the detriment of your tank AND the animal).


Thanx everyone!! I think I will get one for my 75 gal reef to be (if I ever get around to it :rolleyes: )
By the way, what happened to my website post? Oh well, check it out anyways for me by clicking the icon. Tell me what you think.