Lawnmower Blenny at LFS


I had my lfs order a LB, asked for the price they said between $15-30. Of course its $30... is this WAY too much for a LB from a LFS?
They do not deserve my business since they have crappy customer service but they are the closest. I don't plan on making any purchases from anytime soon.


My dad's friend owns a petstore and i got mine for $10 but at the regular LFS where i have to pay full price they sell for $14.99. $30 is way to expensive IMO.


Urgh bought it anyway, knowing it was way overpriced. Living in upstate NY is terrible, there are no good fish stores anywhere. This is the last purchase I am making from this pet shop, their saltwater selection is pitiful. They did have a longnose hawkfish for only $60.......


Did 3hrs of aclimation before I put it in. Went to class the next morning, came back and the thing was dead. I tested their water before I put him in: 180 nitrates. My water quality is all perfect: amm 0 nitrates 10 nitrites 0 ph 8.3
I think the thing starved to death. They got it in yesterday from their supplier, it never left the bag it was shipped in until I got there. I will post how skinny it is.
They have no guarantee on their saltwater fish but I'm going to complain...


oh, i'd raise hell!!! explain to them that it was actually the shock from going from 180ppm to 0ppm that actually killed the fish, and that it's their fault for not maintaining their tanks properly. Try to yell the fact that the water at the fish store is 180ppm, and make sure there's other customers around... they should try to quiet you down by offering to do something. (i have a little experience in this field...)


omg, that poor little thing... that's so sad... oh, you'd better raise hell!!!


The place is 30 min away... the next closest fish store is 2hrs away. I am thinking of calling first then possibly driving out there. At 30min each way I'm a little aprehensive about not getting anything back if I drive all that way.
It is Chuck's Pet Center in Massena NY incase anybody ever thinks about going there...


Called and explained the situation... giving me another one for free. Talked with the manager to start with who was nice about the whole thing.


Another thing I always do before I buy a fish from an LFS is to ask them to feed it so I can witness it actually feeding. If it doesn't eat, I don't buy it. I also don't go for the "He's probably not hungry because I just fed him" story.


Active Member
yeah and is they refuse to feed because of the fact they just fed , tell them they are buttholes and just lost a potential customer