Lawnmower Blenny Diet


Active Member
What kind of algae does the lawnmower blenny exactly eat? I don't have much brown algae in my tank. It's mainly green coraline algae developing on the walls, and I was wondering if the blenny will eat that, or is the poor thing starving to death? He won't go near any food I drop in the tank either.


:happyfish hi, he won't eat any food you drop in the tank? That's odd. Are you doin flakes, brine, formula 1or2 or what? Try seaweed that you can buy at your local petstore. I buy the fresh seaweed, at my local asian market myself. Good luck with the lmb, ali


Active Member
He won't eat anything I drop. I do see him picking on the rocks for algae, so I don't know whether he gets enough algae that way or if he's starving? I am thinking of getting algae sheets, but not until I"m convinced that he's starving :D
My main question is whether or not the coraline algae is something they can eat


Euphoria, This is twice now that we've had the exact same occurances... I think your stalking my fish and calling them your own.
Anyway, as stated, mine (LMB) does the SAME thing. But I did find one kinda cure... After I have fed all of my other fish, I scrape thin (very small) pieces of frozen formula 2 with a sharp knife, onto an area that I know he's likely to visit soon. And while he's scraping or grazing, he picks up the pieces of Formula 2 with it and he doesn't spit it back out!! But he has to come across it on his own, because he certainly won't go looking for it!!


Active Member
hehehe, that's funny man. I throw formula 2 in there for other fish and he never bothers eating it. I'll try your method and see if this dumbo will eat it.


I don't have a lawnmower but I do have a Black Sailfin that is very similar to an LMB. I bought Formula 2 specifically for him, but he prefers the Formula one that I feed my clowns. Try soaking your food in garlic. It helps to tell em that it's actually food.


Having a LMB that doesn't eat flake food can be a good thing. Mine is such a total pig. He eats anything that I put in the tank. I think he's starting to prefer flake food and so he eats less algea since he knows I'll put food in the tank eventually. His belly is so large now. Can fish have gastric bypass? LOL


:happyfish Mine too jeepboy! Mine will play tug of war with my clown to get a flake. hehe.
, ali


New Member
Mine will eat anything put in the tank, but loves the green sheet algae on his clip. He'll eat it right out of my hand.