Lawnmower blenny feeding?

harvey floyd

New Member
We picked up a lawnmower blenny the other night and I'm a little worried about him eating. The tank is pretty algea free right now. Is there anything that I could/should feed him. In the tank with him are 1 blue damsel, a snowflake eel, 2 emerald crabs, a turbo snail, a chocolate chip starfish, 9 blue legged hermits, and 2 unidentified objects we just found


I dont have a lawnmower, but, you could try feeding it some Seaweed selets or something simalar so that it gets the diet it requires. :D

marine qa

Harvey Floyd,
Do you have any LR? Lawn mower Blennies usually require allot of it as they eat the algae from the LR.
My Lawnmower would eat flaked food and freeze dried brineshrimp when I fed everyone else. Mostly though he ate the algae from the LR.
I also wonder about the snowflake/blenny compatibility. Others should know more about this though. I have no experience with aggressive fish.


I wish mine ate from the lr. My lr is covered in some spots with hair algae and i haven't seen him touch it. Thats the reason i got him!! He picks on the glass all day long.
Would a lawnmower and a bicolor blennie get along? I think i recall that they may not like eachother because of similar body shape.

harvey floyd

New Member
There is about 20 pounds of live rock in there. But the crabs have done a great job of keeping it clean. I will try the seeweed approach just to make sure hes happy and fat. Him and the eel seem to get along fine........well as good as they can, the eel swims near him the blenny scoots away.


Active Member
you can also buy an algae food, we get algae wafers adn seaweed for ours, which we suppliment its diet with, i ialso noticed, he ate very little the first coul eof days, but once he settled in, he eats all the time
as for him not eatin off the rock, i found that with ours, he would only eat it if it was short, so anything long we had t manually prune, until he caught up wiht it
HTH and good luck


Until mine committed suicide, he would eat: Seaweed Selects, brine shrimp, clam, krill and algea off the LR and the glass. In other words, he eat everything!! :D