Lawnmower Blenny New Today?'s


New Member
I am receiving a lawnmower blenny from this site today. My question is I only have two tanks one 20gal and one 55gal. My plans were to house him in the 55 but have since been informed this would not be too good of an idea due to the other fish and future fish of the tank. Here is what I have in bothe tanks now, 20gal- 2 percula tank raised clowns, 1 blue devil damsel, 2 peppermint shrimp, hermits, and 2 snails. 55Gal. 1 spotted hawkfish, two sebae clowns, two engineer gobies and that is it for now. My future plans for the 55 sre to buy a dwarf lionfish and he is what is causing all the trouble and conflict over where I put the blenny. What do you all think? The lion will mature around 5" and a lawnmower matures around 4" anyhow, Need help as I really did not want to put him in my 20gal. I have enough fish in there already! :confused:


How soon were you planning on adding the Dwarf Lionfish to the 55? I wouldn't suggest putting him in the 20gal. However, you couldn't add the lionfish to the 55gal with the fish you have in their now. I added a dwarf lionfish to my tank that had 1 blue damsel and thought the damsel would be fine for the time being he looked too larg for the lionfish. Within 2 weeks, the damsel disapeared. Lionfish are community fish providing that the fish are the same size or larger than the lionfish and the current inhabitants are not. The clowns and goby's would without a doubt be lunch. I would think about it a little more. It seems your only option is to put the blenny in the 55gal. Maybe someone else has a diffrent opinion for you. I wish you luck. Lawnmower blenny's are great. I have one and I love him.


New Member
A dwarf Lion would not be added to my tank for at least another month. Fortuneatly, they sent me a big blenny here! Johnny as that is what I named him had it out with Lucifer, my spotted hawk and Johnny won! My spotted hawk is about 3" but Johnny is 4". I also found out today that Lawnmower Blennies can become quite aggressive themselves. Is this true?
Also, if the lionfish is out of the question, what other single fish would you recommend keeping in my tank? Tangs are Out!
[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: Deborah ]


there are plenty angels that would go nicely in there. check with the online store on this site. I had a singapore angel that was absolutely gorgous. Angels aren't aggressive and should do fine with the other fish you have in there.
Your "Dwarf Lion" will grow more than 5inches
just as my Antennata is. And it will eat anything it can fit in its mouth, cleaner shrimp small/med Damsels :rolleyes: Ive witnessed this in my own tank so make sure all tank mates are too large for it to swallow :D Im putting mine in a larger tank by x-mas cause as he grows he watches my other fish just a little too close now. It can be done just know that things can go wrong ;) Good luck with your set up :D


might wanna make sure that your lawnmower blennie has plenty to eat. ive heard alot of them wont eat anything but algae. might wanna make sure there is plenty in his tank.


I had a lawnmower blenny and it only lasted 2 weeks. After it died, I learned that I didn't have enough algae in my tank. Make sure that the blenny has a big tummy, almost like it looks pregnant; if not, he may be malnurished. Also, the LFS may have algae pellets of some sort. Most lawnmower blennys will not eat regular fish food.


New Member
I have adding Phyto algae to the tank to help cure some old Tufa rocks so there is tons of algae in my tank and yes he did look fat when I received him! Thank You all for your responses!