Lawnmower Blenny REALLY skinny


(Yes, I know it rhymes) Anyway. about one month a go I bought a Lawnmower for my mom's 40 gallon reef tank because it had a huge, huge hair algae problem. Sure enough, the lawnmower went right to there is no hair algae at all, and the blenny is really losing weight...all other fish are healthy (two engineers and a yellow prawn) can't get him to eat lettuce, seaweed or brine shrimp. Any suggestions on how to get him to eat? Thanks a lot- David


Active Member
I have the same problem as you, exept hes not real skinny yet. I can just see that he has really cleaned the tank well and the algae doesn't seem to be growing back very quickly. Hopefully, someone will be able to give us some advice.
[ October 11, 2001: Message edited by: fishfreek ]


Have you ever thought about raising some caulerpa (do not know if this is what you meant by seaweed) for it? You could also try blanching some romaine lettuce (just to soften it up a little), and see if it will eat that.
Good luck


Active Member
I've got a lawnmower that just picks at stuff on the lr. I've never seen it eat anything I feed the rest of the fish. I've also got calurpa in my tank and it doesn't eat it. I have seen it kinda pick on it but doesn't actually eat it. Mine is doing OK just picking at stuff on the lr. I've got 120lbs or so in a 55gal tank.

silent bob

i had one for about a month he ate all the algae then got really skinny then died, i asked my lfs about this and they said all they eat is algae, so i didn't buy another one, hope your lawnmowers don't


To get him use to lettuce try freezing it first this softens it up like blanching but I find it easier. Have you also tried the dry food Sea Veggies? Once use to it my blennie would devour anything green.
hope this helps
Angelgirl :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


I have a bicolor blenny that took care of the hair algae growth (new tank). There is no more hair algae but I see him picking at the live rock. I do feed him algae flake food a couple of times a day. He still has a pot belly and is a very happy fish.
Not sure if that would work with a lawnmower blenny, but my LFS feeds all of the algae eating fish with the same flake.


I have had mine for a year now and he is fat and happy he eats the green seaweed selects that I put in a lettuce clip for him! Dean :D


I have had a lawnmower blenny for 5 months. He loves red and green seaweed selects and has stayed nice and fat!


What about the sheets of algae that you can buy. I would try that ..I know it works for urchins.
My blenny is fat and sassy and has the most beautiful colors. :D