lawnmower blenny supplements to lacking algae

Any suggestions on supplementing food for my sweet lawnmower blenny's diet due to a lack in algae? He has become progessively more thin over the last 4weeks I have had him. I dont want to lose the little guy.


Active Member
mine almost never touches hair algae any more- does yours eat flake food or formula 2 froxen? I would try it- mine loves the stuff


my lawnmower eats the live brine and frozen mysis I feed my other fish.Plus, I still have some algae,I figure when the algae is completely gone (if ever!) I'll try the Nori.


Active Member
seaweed on a clip in the tank is probably the easiest way to feed them, however i personally like to wet teh nora in a cup with some tank water and then feed after it is all hyddrated. fish seem to enjoy it more this way!
good luck


When I feed Nori, I rubberband 2 pieces on 2 separate rubbles pieces. My lawnmower blennie goes right in there with the tangs to get his share. With 2 feeding places, it thins things out so it's not so crowded at one "plate".