Lawnmower Blenny


Hi all,
I need someone to help me eat my algea and am thinking about a Lawnmower Blenny. I am concerned that he will not be able to stand up for himself with all of my other pushy friends, Vlamingi, Blue hippo Tang, Majestic Angel, Gold banded Maroon Clown, Fuzzy Lion, Porcupine puffer. :notsure: Does anyone know how aggressive they can be or have any thoughts

thanks for your help
Angelgirl :happyfish


dwarf, everyone is still small angel being largest, probably 6 inches and 150 gallon, reason for my concern in the tangs I have problems before


Active Member
i dont think the tangs will be much of a prob, the puffer and lion r wat kinda worry me is all but they might not eat him


I had one with my puffer, blue tang, for a couple of weeks but returned him because he was fighting with my orangemarked goby all the time. So I would say it would be ok unless you have a bottom dwelling fish then I think the lmb might be aggressive.


Active Member
How big is the puffer? My lawnmower does fine with my puffer your blenny can hide very well he has built tunnels and stuff in my live rock. But my puffer is still about 5 inches long.