lawnmower blenny



Originally Posted by mcbdz
Only if you find one that is already eating other foods. They need lots of live rock and an established tank other wise.

My lawnmower doesn't seem to be interested with any other food other than algae. He may have just started eating some cyclopeeze that I started feeding the tank with a couple of weeks ago, but it's hard to tell. He is never skinny though so I know he's getting enough, he also poops regularly. And, as far as needing an established tank, as long as you have green algae I don't think you have to worry about how old the tank is. I've had mine since my tank was 2 mos. old. My tank is a 29g and he hangs out on the top rocks not the bottom.


Active Member
What are some foods that they will eat for sure??
Mine has done a great job of the algae, there is still some on the rocks but I notice him at the glass all the time pecking at it.
I would love to supplement him but he does not seem to go after flake, frozen or anything.....


Originally Posted by Debbie
What are some foods that they will eat for sure??
Mine has done a great job of the algae, there is still some on the rocks but I notice him at the glass all the time pecking at it.
I would love to supplement him but he does not seem to go after flake, frozen or anything.....

Like I said above, mine just eats off of the rocks but has been eating the cyclopeeze that I feed the tank, too. You can also try some freeze-dried Nori seaweed on a clip. I understand some like it but mine never would touch it. I know he's getting enough off of the rocks though cuz he seems to poop a lot, of which my snails truly appreciate.!


Active Member
Originally Posted by nemo1234
wow! I guess these are really cool fish! I was thinking of getting a scooter blenny, but maybe I'll go with a LMB. I have a 30 gal. is that big enough for one?
A scooter is really not a bleny, and they usually only eat pods, not algae, deffinetly go with the LMB instead.
my grandmother loves the one in the hex tank. she'll sit there for hours and look at it. its theraputic for her lol. theyre great but algae isnt my blennies thing. he'll pick on the LR and glass but mine isnt aggresive towards the sleeper gobies i have. its so cool though he just glides around the tank doing nothing lol


Originally Posted by Debbie
Yes they are so funny to watch. Wish the Blenny family came more colorful like the gobies do, but they are still neat to watch.
The Midas, Canary and Bi-Color's are all beautiful for sure.
We have a Canary, and although I absolutely adored my Midas (RIP ) the Canary is so much better because she is always, always out and about. She isn't afraid of a thing.
She's a deep yellow with a thick black line across the bottom of her dorsal fin. She also has this Oriental look about her... something with the eyes. Gorgeous!